Page 39 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 39


          THE LIES



          Samuel Phillips

               he simplicity of the lifestyle   called Black Afrikans. It was that   etc.  is nothing but the seal of
               of the Christ when He was     wicked scheme that created the     irresponsibility  that the govern-
          Ton earth was not  a result        slave  trade, created  the parti-  ments of  Afrikan nations have
          of lack of resources or scarcity   tioning of Afrika and the hatred   put on  their  own  people.  For
          of  needed amenities. It  was  a   that followed even after indepen-  like Jesus, whatever we need,
          carefully thought out lifestyle of   dence. It is that wicked scheme   we can create both by accurate
          choice that was picked up by       that created the neocolonialism    imagination  and true words to
          the subjecting of desires found    that we see now in Afrika. It is   bring them to pass. So why does
          in the chase of the things of this   wicked because it is based on    everything look so difficult when
          world  to a higher  aspiration  of   cheap lies and the masterful acts   it comes to creating a better Afri-
          wanting things that are eternal.   of deception from the white su-    ka and yet it has proven so easy
          For Jesus as both Man and God      premacists and then given pow-     to steal from and milk her dry?
          in one, had the ability to create   er by the current black suprema-  If, as at now, after 60 years of
          whatever He needed at the very     cists who think that Afrika is their   independence  and almost  200
          time He needed it. He not having   personal business center.  It  is   years after the  Atlantic Slave
          anything  this minute does not     wicked because it  has become      Trade, Afrika has still not gotten
          stop Him from having so much       the corruption in the very bones   it  together,  it  is either we have
          the next minute. For the One       of the Afrikan leaders who were    slaves in government or Afrikans
          who made the fish of the sea in    supposed to remove the chains,     are just stupid  to allow  them-
          the beginning  by spoken  word     the stench and the dark memo-      selves to be used and dumped
          accurately did the same again      ries of slavery from the Afrikan   all over again. But in this case I
          when He told Peter to cast his     people. They have certainly be-    do not think Afrikans are fools, I
          net to the right side. His words   come neo-slavers  of their own     just think they have not realized
          to Peter didn't just direct Peter's   people, telling the same tale of   they have been fooled.
          net to where the fish were gath-   lack, poverty and backwardness
          ered, His words instantly creat-   that they inherited from the mad   What really is wrong with
          ed fish for Peter to gather on the   foreigners. But it is a lie, for Af-  Afrika?
          right side of obedience.           rika is not lacking in anything. In   I have thought about this ques-
          With this Jesus and Peter’s fish   fact, Afrika alone  has been  the   tion over and over again  and
          scenario, I would like to say that   one continent that has been the   one thing keeps popping up as
          there is a wicked scheme play-     food basket, the gold-mine, the    the problem. I realized that what
          ing  out in this modern  day of    diamond  mine,  the  oilfield,  the   is wrong with Afrika is that Afri-
          the life  of  Afrika and  Afrikans.   human resource department of    kans do not believe that they are
          A wicked scheme that was put       a very large  part of the entire   worth being the centre of all that
          in place in ancient times by the   world’s economy. So the story      is good and achievable on earth
          haters of anything in black skin   of  lack,  poverty,  unemployment   and that they have been lied

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    39
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