Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 34
tached to hospitals and health stitute should be mandated to and meticulous study of the
centers nationwide should be carry out a focused randomized problem in Kenya. We can use
mandated to collect targeted study in all farming counties, our cell phones and collect part
information for ALL cancer pa- (to avoid dilution from counties of the information today. I have
tients and report the findings to where cancer is not prevalent) created a survey form which
the Ministry of Health for cen- testing for Glyphosate level in can help you and I gather this
tralization and analysis to paint blood (from people and live- information. I only ask for you to
the National picture regarding stock), tap water, well water, fill out the form ONLY if the can-
Glyphosate. Both Local and borehole water, rivers, creeks, cer patient (alive or deceased)
National raw data and find- soil, and food (Cereals, Fruits, has or did use, spray or came
ings should be available to the Vegetables and Fish.) Genotox- into contact with Weed Killers
public. icity studies pre and post spray containing Glyphosate (a list of
studies should be carried out in different brands will be provided
The questionnaire should find the same effort of solving this on the questionnaire). Click the
out the following:- problem. This should be done link below and fill out the ques-
Whether the cancer patient is within six months and reported tions; at the end you will see
a farmer and/ or she has used to the public. summary charts and text results
Glyphosate based Weed Killers from other respondents.
preceding the illness would be THE CHURCH & CONSUMER Please note that the information
the first step. If the first question GROUPS will also be available to the pub-
is answered in the affirmative, Churches and Consumer lic. To avoid duplication, only
after obtaining patient demo- Groups should also do their 1 response is required for 1
graphics, the questionnaire own independent studies. An patient (person diagnosed with
would proceed to establish, organized church can decide to cancer) ; meaning if you are
first year of use, the duration, do research within one coun- filling the form check with your
quantity and frequency of use. ty or constituency where it’s family members if they have al-
What kind of cancer they have? located. It might even choose ready filled out the form for the
When did they start experience to focus on Glyphosate level in patient or if the patient already
the symptoms? If they were drinking water, soil, or Glypho- filled the form himself/herself.
wearing protective masks and sate blood level in people and/ Don’t be in a hurry to fill out the
clothes when spraying. Of im- or livestock within the area of form, gather all the information
portance also would be to find study. They obviously should first and fill out the form. Here is
out if they sprayed on or near recruit professional services to the link: –
kitchen gardens where they do the actual testing but they
are likely to harvest vegetables can volunteer for planning and J4xkDjD3
for use the same day. Did they logistical work. A church or-
spray it on crops or vegetable ganization may be endowed LET’S NIP CANCER IN THE
just before harvesting or taking with myriad of professionals BUD
produce to the market? What who can create a committee Fire Stations and Burn Centers
do they grow and where do they and guide these toxicological are not the solution, let’s fix the
sell their produce? studies, soil and water analy- leaking pipes. Trauma Centers
Kenya Medical Research In- sis or epidemiological studies and more ambulances are not
and formulate an independent the solution, let’s fix the broken
evidence-based report that will Bridge. Bigger Cancer Centers
help Heal Our Land. and more Cancer Equipment is
not the only solution, let us stop
This is what I call Disease PERSONAL RESPONSIBIL- this malignant carnage at the
Capitalism in my book ITY/ WHAT CAN YOU DO source!!!
Dollar Altar, where the As we wait for those we have
economy thrives on the employed in above institutions
backs of the sick and and those we trust to advocate
the dying. for us to do a broad scientific
34 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika