Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 44


          touted by governments in Afrika    had THRIVED for millennia prior
          (and governments that have in-     to  the colonial experience. Yet,
          terests in Afrika and the UN) as   how soon we forget.
          the key to  Afrika’s growth and    Recent pressure by govern-
          development,  but if we’re hon-    ments in  Afrika to ensure that
          est, and if we look back with an   every child receives mandatory
          accurate lens, Afrika was never    formal education are linked to
          backward or  poorly developed.     MDGs, SDGs or whatever other
          Additionally, Afrikans were train-  development  goals  have  been
          ing their children in a home set-  set by the global  community
          ting and in the field, long before   and forcibly ingested by Afrikan
          they ever heard of colonialists or   governments. The  indigestion
          colonial or western style educa-   is left to the people to suffer as
          tion and it was sufficient. Some-  their approach  seems to over-
          times you will find that ‘modern’   look such ancient and profound
          terminologies  and socially ac-    – yet so simple – wisdom. Afrika
          cepted norms such as school,       has her own track and has had
          along with the deliberate down-    it since the beginning. The blind
          playing that the colonialists en-  embracing of methods proposed
          gaged in with regard to the wis-   by a global body cannot be al-
          dom of Afrika that existed before   lowed.  Afrika must, of neces-    We must create room for ho-
          colonialism, tends to distract us   sity, take into account the local   meschooling in Afrika. We must
          from the obvious. Afrikans had     needs,  settings, priorities  and   not over regulate this space and
          established social norms, train-   pre-existing  wisdom  of the na-   force it to live up to an artificial
          ing  standards  and  methods of    tions and communities in Afrika    standard, but provide gentle and
          socialization  that  guaranteed    FIRST before  anything  else is    carefully considered  guidance
          that their  children  would  grow   added  to it. And we must do it   where  needed.  Let the families
          and graduate age-set by age-       right now.                         that  prefer  to  school their  chil-
          set into healthy and productive    At the moment we have a com-       dren at home be able to do so
          members of their communities,      munity of young people who are     in an empowered manner. For
          fully capable of  raising up the   so devastatingly detached from     those who have neither the time
          next generation well. This train-  a way of life that was healthy     nor the  inclination to  (which is
          ing was conducted by parents,      and wholesome and positive in      fine and their choice), then allow
          close relatives or trusted elders   many respects.  They are  des-    for the inculcation of indigenous
          who passed on truths, under-       perately damaged to the extent     knowledge  and wisdom  into
          standing  and knowledge  ben-      of needing  urgent rehabilita-     their children’s training. This has
          eficial  to  their  young  charges   tion in order to re-acculturate   greater value  and depth than
          as well as their societies. They   to  a  level where they can be     many give it credit for.
          were  supplied  with the skills    self-sustaining. The effect is so   We  must  remember that  west-
          that were relevant to the sus-     great that  Afrika’s own trajec-   ern education has its roots in
          tainability of  their societies  as   tory is now  distorted  beyond   western imperialism  and their
          a whole. Such training included    measure. But is it redeemable?     strategy for  global domination.
          inter-personal and inter-commu-    Yes, but we must change some       We really cannot afford to deny
          nity relations, mediation, conflict   key things back. We must allow   that or to pretend that the edu-
          and  conflict  resolution  (or  what   the families that are willing and   cation that  was introduced to
          would be called international re-  have time to pour into their chil-  Afrika had no ulterior  motives.
          lations in modern parlance), ag-   dren the wisdom that is needed,    That  would be  just  plain igno-
          riculture,  health  and  sanitation,   before it  is  lost.  People have   rant and foolish! So for those
          home science, culinary arts,       become so busy that they don’t     of you who go around the world
          medicine,  social skills etc. We   have time to inculcate  values     forming allegiances with former
          must keep in mind that the Af-     into their children because they   colonial  imperialists,  you would
          rikan civilization had not  barely   are focused on paying bills and   be wise to consider that they still
          survived for millennia, but rather   surviving.                       have their and only their best in-

          44   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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