Page 51 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 51
with African economic philos- Development must be con- is a three-fold principle of Muntu
ophy and economic practice, cerned with the maximum sat- (man).
and seeks to liberate Africa from isfaction of the constantly rising All these elements constitute
“economic occupation”. material and cultural require- what is called uBuntu, which
ments of the whole of society teaches us that we are one mor-
Pillars of the through the continuous expan- al universe, and our shared mor-
Afrikonomics Theory sion and perfection of our Afri- al sense makes us recognize
can humanism. our duty to others.
(a). It believes and maintains
Therefore, the law of balanced
that any harmful action against
another individual is a threat to development of the national The Need for the Recovery of
economy can yield the desired African Identity
the whole society; a restriction
result only if there is a purpose According to Mbeki, the problem
on individual’s economic activity
for the sake of which economic of “rapacious and venal individ-
places severe constraints on the
development is planned. This ualism”– which the neo-liberal
economic welfare of the whole
society; if the individual pros- purpose is inherent in the basic policies of his government have
economic law of African human- often been accused of exacer-
pers, so does his/her extended
ism. The law of balanced devel- bating, will only be resolved by a
family and the community; an
opment of the national economy rediscovery of “African identity”
individual could prosper so long
can operate to its full scope only and the building of a society that
as his/her pursuit of prosperity
does not harm or in conflict with if its operation rests on the basic is “new not only in its economic
economic law of African human- arrangements, but also in terms
the interests of the community;
ism. of the values it upholds”, name-
the society’s interests have to be
Instead of maximum profits – ly the “Ubuntu value system”
paramount; if an individual’s pur-
there must be maximum satis- (Mbeki 2007).
suit of prosperity conflicts with
society’s interests, the State faction of the material and cul- Again, speaking at the eighth
tural requirements of society; annual Steve Biko Memorial
must intervene.
Instead of development of pro- Lecture in Cape Town in Sep-
(b). It seeks to move our society
duction with breaks in continuity tember 2007, Mbeki provided a
forward to a higher and recon-
from boom to crisis and from cri- somber and rather frank assess-
ciled form of society, in which
the quintessence of the human sis to boom – there must be un- ment of disturbing levels of frag-
broken expansion of production. mentation and dysfunction in our
purpose reasserts itself in a
post-apartheid society, and said,
modern, free and democratic
The Philosophy of NTU as a “Our society has been captured
economic context and to create
a new society that is humane, Guiding Force by a rapacious individualism
just and harmonious. NTU is the “Causative Force”. It which is corroding our social
(c). It believes that an action is is the power that is responsible cohesion, which is repudiating
good if it preserves the totality, for all creation, on earth and in the value and practice of human
fullness and the harmonious life the universe. solidarity, and which totally re-
of a human person; an action is Mu+Ntu = Man (Umuntu). jects the fundamental precept of
bad if it has a more or less de- Mu- represents a human person Ubuntu” (Mbeki 2007: 16).
cided tendency to break into and Ntu- represents an abstract – an
narrow the totality and fullness of element of godliness in a human
humanism (Ubuntu). Therefore, person.
we believe that for Africa to have Therefore, umuntu, not a black
universal power, it would have to person as often interpreted, but
have a strong African-oriented any human person on the plan-
‘substantivist’ economic philoso- et, is endowed with the divine
phy that is culturally rooted and attributes: Intellect, Wisdom,
grounded in an African idiom. Justice, Creativity, Compassion,
Love, etc. that make him to be
distinctly different from other
The Basic Economic Law
created beings. He/she consists
of Development of the: spirit, soul and body. This heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 51