Page 56 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 56
The next generation of politics will be headed
by the women. The women of Uganda will arise
as shining lights of the Lord in that land.
Samuel Phillips
he revealing of the gos- themselves don’t have personal
pel of Christ by the lives dealings with God that make
of various men and them true witnesses of the things
Twomen over the ages is that are available in God. For the
not a performance or a show of Lord said concerning this real-
skills and abilities. No it’s not. It’s ity, “But you shall receive power
the outward manifestation of the when the Holy Spirit has come
reality of Christ in a man whose upon you; and you shall be wit-
inward parts have been surren- nesses to Me in Jerusalem, and
dered under the mighty hand of in all Judea and Samaria, and to
God, to cause such a stirring up the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8.
by the Spirit of righteousness Obviously, a witness is one who
and truth to the extent that such was present personally at an
a man cannot contain within event.
himself the up-springing life of
God, but that he lets loose and My heart
many are saved by such acts This article is not in any way try-
of abandonment before God. ing to either undermine or up-
The story has been the same grade any religious tendencies
even before the days of Christ. but is purely about giving voice
Men, who have walked this earth to a simple reality that most in
with just one intention, that is, to the Christian faith have forgot- away by the events of the com-
live, spend and be spent for the ten, but which they must be re- ing days on earth. Yes this arti-
thoughts of God to be manifest- minded of either by this article cle is about the word of the Lord
ed on the earth. They didn't live or by the events that are coming concerning Uganda, but like all
their faith lives daily just reading to this world shortly. Certainly, others I have written before; it’s
scriptures and trying to build a Christianity has over the short- also about Afrika and the entire
library of words in their heads. est time possible become a re- body of Christ.
They and their lives, lived in a ligion of parties in the name of
faith walk with God are the sto- church events, entertainment The Uganda Martyrs Minor
ries that make up the scriptures in the name of music concerts, Basilica/Shrine
we have today. They are true copy pasting of scriptures in the In June 2018, my wife and I took
witnesses of the things writ- name of being bible scholars a trip to Kampala, the capital of
ten about them and God is not without being witnesses of the Uganda. It was a long night’s
ashamed to make them exam- working of Christ on personal travel by bus, so we spent no
ples of true sonship in Himself. levels, leaving aside the real less than fifteen hours on the
It’s ok to preach and teach from reason why we are Christians road. Nonetheless, I enjoyed
the lives of those whose stories or followers of Christ, which is to the long journey. I always love
are told all over the bible, but be bearers of the suffering and long road trips. Anyway, we got
when it comes to bearing true the cross of Christ and the nail- to Namugongo area of Kampala
witness of Who God is, a per- ing of our self-will on that cross. in the afternoon of the next day
sonal story of a personal walk For He Himself said “if anyone and met a rather huge crowd of
with God is the standard. It is would come after me, let him people milling around all over
a truth that may be denied, but deny himself and take up his the area. We were not necessar-
one which will never go away. cross and follow me.” Mathew ily used to that area or what the
At best, most people are “false 16:24. The church of God must usual human traffic looks like
witnesses” who talk and preach be reminded of Whose body on a normal day, but the crowd
the things of the bible while they she is or else she will be blown we met on the road pouring out
56 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika