Page 57 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 57


          from a particular direction didn’t   dication of the real water that   More on the water of the
          look like normal to us. The ma-    should be given attention to by    word
          jor roads around the entire area   the people.                        God is Spirit and anyone  who
          were jammed. We had no clue                                           will worship or relate with Him
          what was going on until the next   The water of the word of God       must  do so by  the  Spirit which
          day or so when our host told us    God is forever faithful in His deal-  comes by faith, for without faith
          of a yearly Catholic  event that   ings with man and He rewards
                                                                                no one can please God. There
          takes place at a Catholic shrine   every labor of love we show to-    are various passages of scrip-
          not so far from where we were      wards Him and His name. There      tures that allude to the meaning
          staying. This Uganda Martyrs Mi-   is no seed  planted  in honor of   of water, but I will just mention
          nor Basilica/Shrine is a Catholic   God that doesn’t grow  to be-     a few.
          church dedicated to the Martyrs    come a blessing irrespective of
                                                                                John 7:37-39 says “On the last
          of Uganda who shed their blood     the  generation in which the re-   day, that great day of the feast,
          because of their Christian faith.   wards come.                       Jesus stood and cried out, say-
          The shrine is well known for its                                      ing, “If anyone thirsts, let him
          beautiful interior and exterior    When the  Lord started  shar-      come to Me and drink. He who
          architectural design.  The story   ing with me about Uganda, this
                                                                                believes in Me, as the Scripture
          had it  that  there were twenty    magazine was not yet  even a       has said, out of his heart will flow
          four Catholic  Uganda  Martyrs.    thought. But I could relate to the   rivers of living water.” But this
          Twenty two of them were killed     intensity of what He was saying    He spoke concerning the Spirit,
          between 1885 and 1887 by Ka-       now and how it was saddening       whom those believing  in Him
          baka (King) Mwanga of Bugan-       for Him that men pay attention
                                                                                would receive; for the Holy Spirit
          da in the south of Uganda; thir-   to things that don’t necessarily   was not yet given, because Je-
          teen of the Martyrs were burnt     matter. Two things were clear in   sus was not yet glorified.”
          to death in Namugongo  right       His conversation with me about     And also John 4:13-14  “Jesus
          where the shrine is now.  The      Uganda: He wants to reward         answered and said to her, “Who-
          two others gave their lives later   the deaths of those who died for
                                                                                ever drinks of this water will thirst
          in Paimol Gulu, in 1918.           their faith  in His name and  He   again, but whoever drinks of the
          We did a tour of the Shrine a day   desires to release the water of   water that I shall  give  him will
          after  the  event  and were  able   His word, which is His Spirit on   never thirst. But the water that I
          to see some things of interest.    Uganda like never seen before.     shall give him will become in him
          The shrine is built in such a way   I remember the Lord telling me
                                                                                a fountain of water springing up
          that there is huge  pool  or lake   that every life of believers, mis-  into everlasting life.”
          of water with a pavilion right in   sionaries  both local  and  inter-  The water of the word of God is
          the midst of the water. We had     national that were given for His   His Spirit poured out. This pour-
          earlier noticed a lot of the people   name in Afrika will be rewarded.   ing out of Spirit by God is done
          among the first crowd we met on    What His reward will be in this
                                                                                already in  Acts  chapter two;
          the day we arrived, bearing gal-   sense, as it concerns Uganda,      however there is a dimension of
          lons of water. We later found out   that I do not know. We can only   that same pouring that will mani-
          that the waters of Namugongo       watch in faith.                    fest as outpouring on the earth
          shrine are so revered that pil-                                       in these last days. Outpouring
          grims who come there believe
          the water to have healing pow-
          ers and blessings.  How true that
          is, I do not know. It was interest-
          ing for us to see such reverence
          for that shrine and the memories
          of the sacrifices it carries with it.
          But what became more interest-
          ing for me was what the Lord
          started  sharing with me  about
          the waters  of  Namugongo and
          why the waters were just an in-

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    57
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