Page 78 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 78


             n the haze of an early          ing my young son what a plant      to pause, reflect, and  hopefully
             Kitengela morning in  April,    was, to which he replied that it   embrace the values of what our
             my son and  I stood in our      was ‘a green, rooted to the spot,   indigenous  knowledge systems
             garden staring at  our kale     veggie that comes from a seed’.    embedded in  our traditional
        Iplants. It  was a therapeutic       In agricology, we learn that if    cultural practices may offer as
          experience,  more so given the     plants were not able to take the   possible remedy to  the deadly
          partial lock-down  regime trig-    energy from the sun and use it to   Covid-19 malady.
          gered  by the latest global pan-   mix together air, water and soil,   While, psychologists, historians,
          demic that has suffocated social   we simply would not be here.  In   sociologists  and even voodoo
          life throughout the world.  At the   other  words, humanity  cannot   practitioners continue to provide
          garden, I took time and consid-    survive without nature nor can     us with what can be described
          ered Sir Robert Robinson’s ob-     nature exist without humanity.     as fascinating  examples  of so-
          servations  that ‘plants  are not   There is as such a co-relation-   cial  processes interacting with
          animals’.  A proclamation that     ship between them  and  this       perception  and recall,  it is in-
          may appear  too obvious  at in-    co-relationship  needs  to be re-  deed  difficult  to  disagree  with
          ception, but very often the tech-  stored through a circular global   Thomas Frey when he observes
          niques used to  protect plants     agricological system. Moreover,    that “We’ve just hit a giant reset
          from extinction, which  maybe      the fact that plants  are  rooted   button on all of  humanity”, that
          useful for humanity  at this mo-   to the spot, as suggested by my    is at present being driven by our
          ment, are based on methods de-     son earlier, is of profound impor-  current state of fear and panic.
          veloped for animals.               tance to the plants themselves.    Needless to say, I for one con-
          In my view, it is the rich class-  And the analogy here is that if    sider the ongoing  plague  as a
          es in our so called ‘modern so-    you are unable to run away from    transition to a more inclusive
          cieties’ including here in Africa,   danger then you have to devel-   society in the newly found spirit
          whose universal thirst for private   op strategies that enable you to   of collective action and shared
          profit  has  led  them  to  neglect   tolerate whatever life and nature   responsibility.
          and exploit the ecosystem  to      throws at you, this according to   Today, out there in the margins,
          the extent of breaking the unity   Professor Robinson  is known       all societies whether in Europe,
          and interdependence of an oth-     as phenotypic plasticity which is   America or here in Africa as we
          erwise coherent natural system     more developed  in plants  than    know it,  are currently undergo-
          that has led to the current dead-  in animals. Needless to say, the   ing  an unprecedented  change,
          ly outbreak of a virus we do not   rational unity of plant and animal
          yet have a cure for. It is import-  through a rigorous conception
          ant for us to realize that the eco-  situated in agricology deserves
          system is built on geological for-  a wide appeal  more so at this          Dogon Astrology
          mations and the living forms that   age of Corona.
          inhabit it are a single community
          of interconnected  beings  which   Resetting Humanity
          includes the sun, the moon, the    To begin  with, the fact that we
          stars,  plants, animals and hu-    are living in extraordinary times
          mans who exist  together as a      is now not debatable.   In  this
          compact unity.  And as argued      so called Corona-era,  the age
          in agricology, my subject focus    of heavy guns and hardware is
          in this discussion, each mode of   slowly coming to an end, and is
          existence of  each of  these en-   gradually being replaced by bio,
          tities has its unique  rights and   cyber, and mind wars. The con-
          functions  within  the totality and   cept of imminent risk and men-
          each is able to contribute to the   acing danger is being reframed
          existence of the other in a mutu-  around  non-intuitive, non-visi-
          al supporting manner that bene-    ble, and non-obvious  threats.
          fits our planet.                   On the other hand, the impact
          Phenotypic Plasticity              of the global pandemic has also
          At the garden, I remember ask-     managed  to create time for us

          78   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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