Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 75
better from year to year as it and choirs with foreign Gospel casting it out and speaking to
still remains the biggest interde- artists like Israel Houghton, myself that I have the Spirit of
nominational Gospel Concert in Todd Dulaney, Travis Greene, love, boldness and a sound
the City of Sapele. J.J Hairston and the like. From mind.
Finally, people have always the last decade till date, there Staying in fellowship with the
wondered how we've been able has been a progressive move- Man, Christ Jesus, has always
to stay together for this long ment in the music ministry in and will always be the highest
and I smile because our rela- Nigeria, and it has impacted worship we will offer. So for me
tionship does not begin and end the world. Programs like "The I will advise that anyone who
as a choir but we have come to Experience" Lagos, and many wants to impact his/her world
a place of communion. We are others have had guests from must stay in continuous study
literally a family and we have all colors and tribes worshiping of God’s word and be fervent
never stopped looking to God. God right here in Nigeria. Artists in prayers. Also focus on the
have launched out from the reg- mastering your craft - if you are
What is your sincere opin- ular and have begun to test the a singer keep singing, learn all
ion of the gospel music waters with various genres and kinds of music and seek profes-
ministry in Afrika especial- this has impacted us greatly. sionalism and perfection and
ly in Nigeria? There is still much work to be make sure that whatever you
done and I trust God for a great release into the atmosphere
Afrika is blessed. The hand of
the Lord is upon this continent shift in this decade! springs up from intimacy and
communion with the Father.
and Nigeria as a nation is espe-
How would you encourage Patience is very key and the
cially loved of God and is pre-
pared for such a time as this. others like you who are standard of our measurement
There is so much talent and seeking to begin a new of success must not be men
such a raw love for God in this venture and facing uncer- but how obedient and aligned
we are to the plans and pur-
part of the world but shockingly, tainties about how to start?
poses of God. I strongly believe
it looks like there is really no Firstly, we must know that the
impact because of the envi- only thing and person that in conquering your immediate
ronmental and socio-political can stop us is ourselves. Not environment so whatever talent
failures that we have come to money, not people, not lack of or burden the Lord places in
terms with and it has hindered support and not even the devil you, harness it first in your
Jerusalem and do make sure
us greatly. because all the devil sends is
Over and over again young "fear" and for me, I have con- you inspire your family, church,
talent springs up, but because stantly had to deal with it by community and then the world.
the body of Christ has failed
to understand that money and Do you have any plans of
support plays a major part in recording an album?
the propagation of the Gospel, Yes! We have started produc-
there is a big fall back, because tion on some of our songs and
artists get discouraged and plan on releasing an album
immediately Babylon offers before August, 2020 are in mo-
them 'food for the stomach' and tion. However, with the current
I cannot blame them. They just world pandemic some of these
move on and forget all that God plans have been kept on hold. I
told them, because there was pray we can still meet our target
no proper attention and tending but if not, we may just start by
given to them by the Church. releasing singles.
In spite of this, however, there
has actually been a break out
as there have also been major
collaborations between Nigerian
artists and other Afrikan singers heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 75