Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 72
Informal traders have been shut
down and suddenly the only
place one can buy from are the
big shops. And the world has
acquired new definitions and
new norms: quarantines, social
distancing, flattening the curve,
contact tracing.
And so the world has discov-
ered that all the things that they
have complained about could
have been changed if there had
only been sufficient cause or
stimulus and that nothing – ab- where anything appears to be for ‘the greater good’ can be em-
solutely nothing – that man has braced.
created in society is actually 2. Cooperate: Accept any changes to legislation, business or per-
set in stone. Surprise, surprise. sonal freedoms made that ensure that ‘the greater good’ can be
Not. ensured.
Now there’s a man with an 3. Report: Alert the authorities to anyone not complying with the set
agenda pushing for an exten- down regulations because it is for ‘the greater good’.
sion to social distancing and 4. Comply: Act in accordance with any and all requirements that are
quarantine measures until set out to protect ‘the greater good’.
the end of summer 2020 and Ladies and gentlemen, that’s how easy it will be. And for those who
suggesting that no one will be are saying that the days of the tribulation will not find the Church on
able to gather again as they did earth, sorry for you. God’s army will be stationed where it is needed
RY vaccine is first given to all
and every single person has a WHILE YOU STAY AT HOME
certificate proving that they got
it. Learn or unlearn, fix or unfix, understand, change or take a bet-
The whole point of this article is ter look at our life, for what you do or not do in this stay at home
this: the days of the Antichrist season, will either be the strength you will need in the days after
will not look weird or strange. Covid-19 or it will be the choices you will regret you didn't make.
No. This is how Daniel 11:21 So stay at home, stay safe and most importantly stay creative.
puts it, there… shall arise a vile
person, to whom they will not Know for sure that life will not remain the same even after this
give the honor of royalty; but he crisis. So plan, review, evaluate how things are honestly and
shall come in peaceably, and make the right decisions about the next phase of life on earth. If
seize the kingdom by intrigue. you need to build a house in the woods, make the plans now. If
They will come upon the earth you need to relocate, plan for it now. If you need to completely
using a situation much like this quite a job and set up something personal that can give you easy
one and everyone who is not movement in the days of trouble, plan for it now. Do not wait until
aware or awake or prepared is the next alarm bells ring before you start to make moves.
going to cooperate with the idea
of installing the Antichrist and Parents, while you wait desperately for schools to resume and
the policies recommended by for things to return to normal, take the time to prepare yourself
it because they were already and your kids for the days after Covid-19. Why? Nothing will
preconditioned by situations return to normal and the days after Covid-19 and whatever it
like 911, H1N1, Ebola, Zika, brings will be the new abnormal.
Covid-19 and whatever else, to
respond as follows: Train your kids in basic survival skills, impromptu decision
1. Panic: This puts one in a making, how to relate more with nature and less with artificial
highly receptive frame of mind living. Teach them to be ready for life. Post Covid-19 will not be
business as usual.
72 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika