Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 71
n this period, as the (mod- the face of increased restric- created by mandatory mask
ern?) world grapples with tions and once assured imports wearers. Personal freedoms
the corona virus conundrum, of necessities and luxuries are have been challenged by lock-
Iall skeptics, doubters and called into question. Just like ing up healthy and unhealthy
believers have a live example that, suddenly, the whole world people in their homes, arresting
of what life under the Antichrist changed – and it happened them for being outside even
would look like. If you have right before our eyes. while alone and sending them
ever had a challenge visual- For the eye-rollers in the room, into forced quarantine facilities
izing what it would mean that you’re probably saying to your- even while healthy. Business
you cannot buy or sell without self, it’s just a global pandemic, policy has been challenged by
the name, the number or the or like the New York Governor, (sometimes) hefty reductions in
mark of the beast and thought, you’re saying God had nothing prices of products and services.
‘hmm, what would that be like?’ to do with the numbers coming Taxation has been challenged
You probably imagined some down; it was simply a matter of by the reduction in mandato-
dystopian world in which wars following procedure. Everything ry taxes charged to citizens.
had torn through nations, the will return to normal after this. Companies have received
sky was grey, the earth charred But will it? financial stimuli in order not to
and the clothes the people were This situation has had the glob- shut down. Employers are tak-
wearing, dull and ugly. At least al equivalent of a slap in the ing pay cuts in order to sustain
that’s how things tend to be face by someone you trusted. their work forces. Churches,
depicted in most of these apoc- The next time you have an mosques and temples have
alyptic movies. interaction with them, you’re been challenged by a restric-
If you have a broader imagina- watching their hands to see tion on large public gatherings.
tion, you may have imagined what they’re doing with them. Families have been challenged
things as they are now. One Suspiciously. by actually having to spend all
day you were heading to the International relations have day with each other – or weeks
office, listening to your favorite been strained with accusa- apart due to quarantine and
radio station and hooting at the tions and counter-accusations travel restrictions. Hollywood
car in front of you, and the next and one nation in particular in and the entertainment industry
day everything was on lock- danger of losing its global man- have experienced a major slow
down ‘for the greater good’. ufacturing status as countries down in production. Live sports
Things literally changing by the wake up to the vulnerability of events have shut down. Travel
minute, today you have to sani- globalization and outsourced and tour industries have – well,
tize or wash your hands in order production. Immigration policy you know. Health sectors are
to buy and sell, tomorrow you has been challenged greatly by choosing which patients should
have to wear a mask – particu- borders being shut down with arrive at their facilities and
larly in light of the signs outside visitors within national bound- when. Patients are refusing
supermarkets saying “You are aries staying ‘beyond’ their to go to hospitals. Politicians
prohibited to enter these prem- visa periods. Obviously, the are unable to gather or trav-
ises unless you’re wearing a so-called almighty immigration el unnecessarily as they are
mask.” For the greater good. officers who take joy in under- accustomed to. Parliament is
Suddenly families are contem- mining anyone trying to step gathered in masks and gloves.
plating a future without a reg- into their “sovereign” nation are News media, well, they’re kind
ular income, while others are all hiding behind face masks at of doing what they usually
facing it head on, having had a home, running from an invis- do, trashing or supporting the
family member laid off recently. ible virus, just like the rest of incumbent leader depending on
Churches are staring in dismay the world. Offices shut down. who owns them just that their
at empty coffers and govern- Prisons policy has been chal- content has shifted quite a lot
ments are freaking out trying to lenged by the sudden release from the norm. Neighbors have
figure out how to ‘keep things of prisoners in various countries become spies, reporting on one
running’ while they make people before their terms were up. another in case they see any-
earn less day by day. Suddenly Policy and security has been one flouting the new regulations
supply chains are struggling in challenged by all this anonymity that have been put in place. heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 71