Page 67 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 67
safe places to stay, reliable from a uranium mine that is
sources of heat and light, excel- adversely affecting the health
lent sanitation, practical clothing of the local community. I’m sure
and a friendly smiling face or that when the mine was first set
voice to offer companionship, up, the owners had in mind the it would center on European
comfort, encouragement and tremendous profits that they banks and have a global im-
reassurance. would be making. They gave no pact. He said that this Corona
When push comes to shove, regard to where they dumped Virus situation is only going to
it’s not status, money, things, this huge pile of uranium pow- serve as a catalyst of a collapse
competition, greed, excess and der, to the point of creating a that the European banking sec-
self-centeredness that we need. massive hill of waste. As a con- tor has been trending toward for
No. It’s love and fellowship and sequence, little children, adults, years. His expectation is that
things to sustain the physical livestock, water, air, soil, all this crash will take place this
body and strengthen the spir- are polluted with lead, uranium year. As a matter of fact, anoth-
it-man. God has finally shown and arsenic, causing horrible er crash after the 2008 global
us what it is like to simplify health effects like neurological financial crisis has been antici-
using this lock-down. disorders. And that’s just one pated for years. A senior Afrikan
Afrika. We have glorified the sub-sector of the mining sec- official in the banking sector
wrong things and it’s time we tor and only one mine in only said to me that his expectation
admitted it. We have deceived one city, in only one country in is that Afrika would be cush-
ourselves and our youth, mis- Afrika. And this is happening ioned from the initial effects of
leading them to believe in this because someone decided that such a crash were it to happen,
dream that Western countries profit outweighed Ubuntu. Profit much like in 2008, Afrika is still
have themselves been unable over people… and purposeless a peripheral player. This is why
to sustain. Why continue lying living. That’s Capitalism for you. I always say thank God that
to ourselves about lifestyles that Global Financial Crisis Capitalism and its systems of
add no value to us as a people? I sat in on a webinar where control in Afrika are not at the
As I write this, I’m watching a an expert in financial markets standard the rest of the world
documentary on Al Jazeera spoke about an impending thinks they ought to be. This rel-
about pollution in Johannesburg financial crash, saying that ative air-gapping, which people heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 67