Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 62


          impact on the environment, and     world by storm; the virus has no   production and protection facil-
          Agenda 21 therefore paves          cure and has become a threat       ities, major transport networks
          the way for extraordinary UN       to all regions and countries of    and information communication
          control. Controlling our every     the world. There is a theory that   systems.
          ‘Impact on the environment’        the elite are on a mission to
          means controlling every aspect     reduce the planet's estimated      Major corporations controlled
          of our lives; what we eat, how     current population from 7 billion   by the elite use their power to
          we travel, where we live and       to a more sustainable 1 billion,   extort these loopholes to manip-
          how we live.                       there is not a lot of information   ulate systems, instigate conflict
                                             available on this conspiracy be-   and fund wars, to ultimately
          There are nine major tenets        cause most people in the world     benefit from these resources at
          of the Agenda 21                   rely on traditional media which    the expense of innocent mil-
          •      Move citizens off private   is owned and controlled by the     lions caught up in the midst of
          land and into urban settlements    said elite.                        the greed storm. These Elite by
          and housing                                                           control these resources, there-
          •      Create vast biodiversi-     Smallpox which has no cure         by making more money which
          ty wilderness spaces, inhabited    and has mortality status sur-      in turn earns them more power
          by larger threatened herbivores    passing a staggering 500 mil-      and immunity from law and
          and carnivores                     lion was eradicated in the 80’s    justice systems.
          •      Eliminate cars  and cre-    but today there are still  two
          ate walkable cities                (2) samples of viable small pox    The New World Order
          •      Support chosen private      virus one in the US and one in     (NWO)
          businesses with public funds for   Russia, is there any possibility   The NWO is said to be an
          ‘sustainable development’          that these smallpox samples        emerging covert totalitarian
          •      Make policy decisions       could be re-engineered and         world government. The con-
          that favor the greater good over   used in bio-terrorism? Who         spiracy theory is based on the
          individuals                        decides on when and what the       belief that a few secretive elite
          •      Drastically reduce ex-      samples are used for?              carrying a globalist agenda are
          cessive use of power, water, air,   It is apparent in the world today,   working to create platforms and
          light and anything else that cre-  that many countries with an        systems to eventually rule the
          ates general environmental and     abundance of special precious      world and control all the world
          carbon pollution                   resources always find them-        resources, through an author-
          •      Use bureaucracies  to       selves in turmoil; it is almost    itarian world government that
          make sweeping  decisions  out-     always guaranteed that there       will replace the world’s sover-
          side of democratic processes       will be conflict in such special   eign nation-states.
          •      Increase taxes, fees and    resource rich regions. A few
          regulations.                       powerful individual sabotage       Opposition
          •      Implement        policies   the systems to access some of      Muammar Gaddafi was very
          meant to incentivize  a reduced    these resources to themselves      popular in his home country
          environmental population.          at the expense of others. When     Libya where the netizens can
                                             such precious resources are        attest that he did so much when
          Many methods are being used        scare or in abundance only in      it came to liberating Libyans
          to achieve the goals of Agenda     one area, political stability is   and trying to forge a sustainable
          21 including, Geo-engineering,     bound to find some hindrances,     country with working systems
          vaccines, bio-weapons, irra-       making the country more vul-       to favor everyone instead of a
          diated food, 5G deployment,        nerable to conflict to enhance     chosen few. Muammar Gadd-
          GMO’s  and Smart meters.           access of the resources to the     afi ensured that education and
          Agenda 21 is implemented by        elite fraternity at whatever cost.  medical services were free all
          NGOs funded by the elite frater-   The instability compromise         over the country, electricity was
          nities in foreign countries.       leadership structures and in-      also free, he also helped build
          Recently we have seen the          frastructures controlled by the    a state bank that would offer
          emergence of Covid-19, a           government including banking       citizens zero-interest loans, pet-
          coronavirus that has taken the     systems, national resource

          62   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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