Page 57 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 57
preferred theory appeared to In February 2020, Justin Welby, part of the church, but rather as
center around copulation be- the Archbishop of Canterbury a matter of consequence due
tween the (white) human female said to the Church’s national to a reduction in funding and
and an ape. This thinking was assembly, "Personally, I am sor- thereby a need to find locals to
embedded into social and cul- ry and ashamed. I'm ashamed fill in the much needed roles in
tural thought and practice long of our history and I'm ashamed the ranks of the church in Afri-
before Charles Darwin’s theory of our failure. There is no ka. Welby’s confession would
of evolution was captured in On doubt when we look at our own seem to support this claim.
the Origin of Species. Darwin’s church that we are still deeply The following are various
theory of evolution was dispar- institutionally racist. Let's just excerpts taken from different
aged by those who believed in be clear about that. I said it to sections of a paper on Christian
the truth of Creation. His theory the College of Bishops a couple Missions and Colonial Rule
suggested that mankind was of years ago and it's true." Keep in Africa by Dr. Etim E. Okon
the highest product of changes in mind that this is the Church published in the European
that began with a ‘big bang’ of England i.e. the Anglican Scientific Journal in 2014: “The
which triggered the formation of Church, of which the Queen of Times in an article titled "The
life and gradually over hundreds England is the Head admitting Commercial Value of Africa"
of millions of years eventual- to institutionalized racism. The endorsed the commercial mo-
ly brought forth man from a same Church of England that tives of colonialism: The fact is
line of apes according to the sent missionaries to Afrika un- that up to within the past few
‘Great Chain of Being’. Hence der the Church Missionary Soci- years Africa has hardly been
the black man was considered ety. These missionaries were needed by the rest of the world
evolutionarily backward and the variously accused by Afrikans except as a slave market. But
white man the absolute pinna- of either being complicit in the her turn has come, and the
cle of the evolutionary process. oppression of the colonizers, need for her cooperation in the
It has been suggested that apathetic concerning its evil ac- general economy of the world
Darwin himself did not put forth tivities or tools in its sustenance will become greater and great-
a racist agenda on the basis of through the teachings that they er as population increases, as
his postulations. Rather, those spread urging the Afrikans to industry expands, as commerce
who perceived opportunity in ‘turn the other cheek’ or ‘for- develops, as states grow am-
his writings felt they provided give’ in the face of continued bitious as civilization spreads:
some ‘scientific credence’ to injustice. It did not help matters it is discreditable anomaly that
their evil plots and schemes that they were often embedded at this advanced stage in the
including justifying slavery in with or protected by the colonial progress of the race nearly a
America. The European con- administration, making their whole continent should still be
tinued the subjugation of the message often seem more like given over to savagery... (qtd in
colonies of non-whites to their a poisoned chalice than one of Uzoigwe, 1978: 27).
oppressive rule and out of all salvation. It is said that there
the people colonized, the black were those amongst these The predetermined objective of
man was deemed the lowest missionaries who withstood European colonial enterprise
man because of his color. It the efforts and policies of the in Africa was also stated point-
seems a long way to go to colonial government and those blank in the Pall Mall Gazatte of
justify greed and political and who, even while compassionate 1899: Nor have we gone to the
economic domination and even to the cause of the Afrikan, still equatorial regions from religious
genocide of other races, but felt themselves to be far supe- or humanitarian motives... still
this is exactly what happened rior intellectually and culturally less have we sought out the
and not only to Afrikans, but to the Afrikan as to continue to African in order to endow him
to any land where the Europe- embed the racist narrative of with the vices (and virtues) of
an – firmly under the grips of the Church. According to schol- western civilization... the domi-
the Whore of Babylon – set his ars, the Church of England was nating force which has taken us
sights, his guns and his other ‘decolonized’ and ‘Afrikanized’ to Equatorial Africa is the desire
devices. on the continent, not so much for trade. We are in these
as a matter of choice on the tropical countries for our own heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 57