Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 60






           By Dr Jack Githae

                                  One Earth, one People, one Future
                              ‘’United We Survive! Divided We Perish”

                he movement inevitably       rare in most regions of Europe,    and networks to unethically
                emanates from Africa the     Asia and Oceania.                  control and exploit the world;
                cradle of mankind and the    Besides the presence of abun-      the group is commonly referred
                entire human civilization.   dant precious natural resources    to as the Elite. The elite are
          TThe continent has the             in Africa in form of bio diversity   defined as a small group of very
          oldest and therefore the most      and minerals, we also have         influential and powerful peo-
          sustainable way of life (civiliza-  a diversity of very old cultural   ple who have either ethically
          tion)                              dynamics (sustainable indige-      or unethically accumulated a
          African civilization is archaeo-   nous knowledge and technolo-       remarkable amount of wealth,
          logically estimated to be about    gy) which will come in handy in    power, privilege or skill in a
          150,000 years old while that of    the global endeavor of human       community.  Power elite could
          Europe and Asia is estimated       re-awakening.                      be used to describe a relatively
          to be 40,000 years and 6,000       Every now and then you will run    small group of well-connected
          years respectively.                into people in a heated debate     individuals who dominate a
          The older a civilization is the    on who really owns and controls    countries or regions policymak-
          more sustainable the way of life   the world and the masses, it is    ing. The power elite are indi-
          of the people concerned is. It is   a question we would all like an   viduals whose positions have
          because of sustainability of the   answer to but currently there is   enabled them to surpass the
          African way of life that makes     no direct answer. It is however    ordinary environments of ordi-
          us have virgin equatorial and      a well-known fact that there is    nary men and women, they are
          tropical forests and grasslands    a special group of population      in a position to make decisions
          as well as clean rivers, lakes,    that have been able to amass       that carry huge positive or neg-
          soils and air, all of which are    unimaginable wealth, power         ative consequences. Whether

          60   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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