Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 63


          rol was available at affordable    claims that he was a terrorist.    Re-awakening - Emerge or
          prices and before his untimely                                        cause to emerge again, awaken
          demise he was pushing for the      WORLD INTEGRATED                   again.
          introduction of a new single       LIBERATION MOVEMENT                Sustainable - Able to be main-
          African currency linked to Gold,   (WILM)                             tained at a certain rate or level
          a move that would have thrown      Our mission is to bring the        Integrated -  with various parts
          the world economy into a crisis.   world people together and clos-    or aspects linked or co-ordinat-
          Muammar Gaddafi had a plan         er to their creator through dia-   ed. Indicating the mean value or
          to create a New African union      logue and active engagement to     total sum of a variable quantity
          that would be independent from     unite, reconcile and constitute    of property
          the influence of the western       a global solidarity regardless     Solidarity - Unity or agreement
          world in matters of econom-        of our diversity in material and   of feeling or action, especially
          ic, social-culture and politics.   financial status, education or     among individual with a com-
          This was a direct threat on the    gender, to eradicate unethical     mon interest; mutual support
          so called  ‘New World Order’       exploitation, poverty and vio-     within a group
          because African continental        lence by working together to       Movement - A group of people
          resources are of major interest    overcome and eliminate the         working together to advance
          to the elite because it is one of   ignorance, inequality, greed,     their shared political, social or
          the richest continents in Natu-    sabotage and injustice that        artistic ideas
          ral resources which would be       divides the people of the world    Global - Relating to the whole
          needed to implement and push       and indeed causes animosity,       world
          their agenda.                      conflict and poverty, thereby
          At the time of his murder Libya    threatening not only our human
          had gold reserves estimated        morality, dignity and integrity
          at close to 150 tons and about     but also human prosperity and
          the same amount of silver but      survival.
          after he was killed under the
          orders of Hillary Clinton and the   WILM’s IMPLEMENTATION
          French President Sarkozy, driv-    SCHEDULE
          en by NATO forces, the trea-
                                             WILM’s concept and imple-
          sures went missing and have
                                             mentation protocol will ba-
          been missing ever since.
                                             sically conform to upgraded
          Iran had also introduced the       NAFROREMO’s (New African
          idea of trading oil (hydrocar-     Renaissance Movement)
          bons) in currencies other than
                                             concept, GECWA (Grassroots
          the US dollar, but those plans
                                             Ethnic Cultural and Welfare
          hit a brick wall when George
                                             Association), NECWA (Nation-
          Bush started accusing Iran         al Ethnic Cultural and Welfare
          of planning to build a nuclear     Association) RECWA (Regional
          bomb, the allegation were then                                          Dr. Jack Githae
                                             Ethnic Cultural and Welfare
          backed by a number of promi-                                            Do. Jack Githae is a pro-
                                             Association) and PANACWA
          nent US agencies as well as the                                         fessional FAO and UNDP
                                             (Pan-African Cultural and Wel-
          powerful UN body in charge of      fare Association) documents          trained and accredited ag-
          nuclear safety (the International   which eventually graduate to        ricultural researcher, prac-
          Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)                                             titioner and consultant and
                                             Universal Human Integrated
          in Vienna.  The Iranian plan                                            a WHO accredited African
                                             Cultural and Welfare Solidarity
          would have ended the domi-                                              Traditional medicine
          nance of the US dollar.                                                 researcher, practitioner and
          Saddam Hussein also had                                                 consultant. To learn more,
          the same idea and would sell       DEFINITIONS
                                             Liberation - The action of           write Dr Githae:
          his petrol in Euros. On orders
                                             setting someone from imprison-
          from Washington, ordered that
                                             ment, slavery, or oppression
          he was also to be charged on

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    63
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