Page 59 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 59


                                                                                kits for 60 Dollars and ventila-
                                                                                tors for 60,000 Dollars? And
                                                                                if Madagascar already has an
                                                                                official indigenous cure to this
                                                                                virus, why are we still waiting
                                                                                for China or America? Who
                                                                                bewitched us in Afrika?
                                                                                The truth is that it is a psy-
                                                                                cho-spiritual warfare being
                                                                                waged against the Afrikan
                                                                                which led to the hero worship
                                                                                of the oppressor which contin-
                                                                                ues today in the worship of the
                                                                                heads of multinational corpo-
                                                                                rations who receive red carpet
                                                                                treatment and are welcomed
          portant. Unfortunately, Africans   never stopped. Generations of      into presidential palaces and
          including the elites are ready     Europeans, Americans, Asians,      mansions across Afrika, to the
          to accept anything, if it has a    Australians and even Afrikans      detriment and corruption of
          western label.                     continued to and continue to       Afrikan economies. But this
          Perhaps, the greatest nega-        be taught and acculturated         is not new information. Lone
          tive, psychological impact of      to believe that Afrika is poor,    voices in the wilderness have
          colonialism in Africa is colonial   weak, dirty and disease-ridden.   been shouting about this for
          mentality and inferiority com-     That is why, in the midst of       decades. The question is…
          plex, which plagues the entire     Corona Virus madness-demic         are we, as Afrikans, planning
          continent. Christian missionar-    you will have Chinese throw-       to continue under this spell for
          ies were also viable collabora-    ing Afrikans out of homes and      another 6 decades? Or are we
          tors in killing self esteem in the   ships and denying them access    going to come out from under
          African. Missionary education      to shops. That is why you will     it and chart a new course for
          and tutelage did not emphasize     have Americans wondering why       ourselves and the generations
          self-confidence, creativity and    in an Afrika with ‘poor hygiene’   to come? We have looked to
          adventurous spirit. There is a     we do not have more cases of       the East and to the West for
          lingering myth that the black      Corona Virus infections. That      development assistance and
          man cannot aspire or compete       is why you will have French        solutions and all we continue to
          favorably with the white man.      and British scientists talking of   get are the same murderous in-
          This is a misconception based      using us as lab rats… which        tentions. They wish themselves
          on Eurocentric propaganda and      actually they have been doing      well, not us. They will continue
          brainwashing.”                     for generations. That is why       to use us for as long as we
                                             the Kenyan government would        allow it… and our governments
          The systematic denigration i.e.    approve of Britain’s suggestion    will continue to play along for as
          defamation, sullying, staining,    while ignoring the fact that other   long as it lines their pockets.
          ‘blackening’ of Afrika’s repu-     Afrikan nations are already way    It is time for Afrikans to gather
          tation, cultural beliefs, spiri-   ahead of most western nations      the lessons of the past and
          tuality , education, economic      in the fight against the virus.    present and put them to good
          and agricultural practices by      Why not just get help from your    use, for Afrika’s sake.
          the colonialist led to the infe-   Afrikan brothers and by that
          riority complex and ubiquitous     create a new positive narrative
          low self-esteem that you find      for Afrika? For if Senegal a tiny
          in Afrika and Afrikans conti-      West Afrikan nation is already
          nent-wide, who now believe         producing testing kits for 1Dol-
          that everything that the con-      lar and ventilators for 60dollars,
          queror believed was superior       why on earth are other afrikan
          to what they had before. But it    nations still importing testing

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    59
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