Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 54
too much trying into explaining is paid. God has a purpose for things he learned at home, the
this, but let me show you a few Mozambique and every nation things he learned at Potiphar’s
instances in the bible that I be- in Afrika and He intends to bring house, things he learned in
lieve will make us understand those purposes to pass. But prison and combining them with
what the fear of the Lord is and just like always, man thinks his the wisdom God gave him to in-
how it is connected to wisdom. ideas, his experience; his univer- terpret the king's dream. So let
sity degrees are good enough to the Mozambican government
"Then the king of Egypt spoke resolve life’s issues. This is so bring such people into places of
to the Hebrew midwives, of far from the truth. So I say this to decision making and also make
whom the name of one was Mozambique, stop trying to fig- room for them to thrive.
Shiphrah and the name of ure it out with your limited ideas. Mozambique, just like every Af-
the other Puah; and he said, If those ideas could work, they rikan nation is set aside for the
“When you do the duties of should have by now. something big in the mind of
a midwife for the Hebrew Do not try to do with the brain, God and in due season, it will
women, and see them on the what only the wisdom of God in manifest. In 2019, when Cy-
birthstools, if it is a son, then the heart can do. The brain can- clone Idai hit the coast of Mo-
you shall kill him; but if it is a not handle the many dimensions zambique, I had asked the Lord
daughter, then she shall live.” of wisdom because they are not why such a disaster was hitting
But the midwives feared God, logically set. The logical mind is that nation, especially when
and did not do as the king of boxed and limited by the size of His daughter Heidi Baker has
Egypt commanded them, but the brain. It cannot expand be- her ministry there. And His re-
saved the male children alive. yond the box of the head but sponse was, how else should
Exodus 1:15-17 the heart can expand into eter- Heidi Baker express the love
nity. That's why scripture says He generously poured into her?
Sincerely, I too have often won- God placed eternity in the heart That was not the answer I was
dered what the concept of the of man even though man does expecting I must say, but just
fear of the Lord meant until I not know what God does from like I have said earlier, wisdom
saw this scripture and then it all the beginning to the end. I be- is certainly deeper than logical
made sense. From the scripture lieve the only reason why man reasoning. Logical reasoning
above, the fear of the Lord sim- doesn't know the things God will be like, should wisdom not
ply means “when a man defends does from the beginning to the have stopped the cyclone in the
God’s purpose even to his or her end is because he keeps trying first place if it’s about expressing
own detriment”. Sounds simple to understand or break it down God's love? Well, that's why the
right? Yes it is. It is not complex. with his logical mind or brain or wisdom of God cannot be under-
For to be wise is to have access science, which is limited. If he stood by logical minds. Curious-
to the mind of God by which all tries to understand wisdom by ly, the name Idai, according to
things, all decisions, all poli- the heart where God kept eter- one climate scientist, is a Shona
cies, all laws of a nation can be nity, he will understand it. name meaning ‘to love’. Leave
made. He who fears God, by the The heart is the garden of the it to God to allow a scientist to
submission of self-will and the Spirit. We know all things by the name this cyclone, 'to love',
defense of God’s purpose, will Spirit. while at the same time anticipat-
by such acts of love for God be ing that this conversation with
given access into the very mind My advice me, His son, would take place
of God from which day to day My simple advice to the nation for this answer to be produced
wisdom for living will be granted. of Mozambique is this; bring to- and shared with you today.
gether people that are not just This is what I mean by Mozam-
Words for Mozambique intellectually capable but also bique, and indeed all the nations
I do not know exactly what the who are connected to the wis- of Afrika and the world, inviting
situation in Mozambique is, but dom of the mind of God. Joseph the creative and eternal Wisdom
one thing I know is that, if God’s of the Bible created a famous of God into every aspect of life
message for that nation is to national solution for the great- and society, to help guide and
seek His wisdom in dealing with est ancient kingdom of Afrika direct us all towards the expect-
the issues they have, then it is {Egypt) in his days by using the ed future in God’s mind. There is
important that accurate attention no other way.