Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 50


          for lust, immorality and frivoli-  came from South Afrika, he was     about? The God I’m talking
          ties that young Afrikans have      my visitor. He wanted me to        about knows all languages. He
          turned it into. Meaning that the   take him to Mt. Kenya, we have     knows all the modes of wor-
          modern day Afrikan youth does      a place where people used to       ship.” Eventually he agreed. We
          not have the moral strength and    go to worship; I pray there. I     went and prayed and he said,
          inner discipline to live out the   said, “I don’t go beyond here      “When you were praying, I felt
          lifestyle of their forefathers they   without praying.” He asked,     something go in.” I said, “That is
          are clamoring to want to be like.   “Githae, you mean you pray?       a strand of the energy.”
          The ancient Afrikans value na-     You’re a scientist. You pray?”  I   I brought up this story just to
          ture as gift from the creator and   said, “What do you mean sci-      give a bit of clarity to the young
          because of this, harmony and       entist? What is science? Now       Afrikans of these days claiming
          balance was constant among         that you have approached that      that the ancient Afrikans did
          them. When you put all these       question in a scientific manner,   not worship God and that their
          things together, you will see that   do you know that the world is    spirituality is with the cosmos
          the modern day Afrikan man's       round? Do you know it is one       and not the God that the Bible
          problem is not the white man or    of the heavenly bodies that go     also talks about. For obviously,
          his religion, it is indiscipline and   round each other as they also   those who are talking have no
          a lack of regard for the life for   rotate on their axis?” He said,   connection at all with ancient
          which his forefather was known     “Yes.” I asked, “How much          spiritual practices.
          for.                               power does an object of the
                                             caliber of the earth require to    So while this lock down is still
          The Myth in Afrikan Spiri-         rotate on its axis? How much       in place, take a critical look at
          tuality                            power would the moon need to       yourself and things, away from
          The Msingi Afrika Magazine         keep away from the earth as it     your own pride and self-impor-
          team had the honor of inter-       rotates round to avoid crash-      tance, away from your acute ig-
          viewing Dr Jack Githae in one      ing into one another?” I said,     norance of who your forefathers
          of our past issues. He is one      “Whatever created and controls     really were and how they lived,
          you will call a custodian of       those, it is the source I lift my   away from your myopic mind
          Afrikan indigenous medicine. At    hands to, to get a strand of that   that thinks that there is no God
          age seventy five, he was close     energy, because indeed it is the   or that God is the Afrikan man's
          to the days of the forefathers     same energy that made you,         problem, just maybe you can
          more than many alive today,        made me and it is it that makes    see the foolishness of chasing
          so we can tap into his opinion     us communicate.” I said to him,    things that have no eternal val-
          about what the real Afrikan        “If you want to come with me       ue. Just maybe we can begin to
          spirituality looked like. In that   there, I will pray in English so   have real conversations about
          interview, he shared a very        that you can follow.” He said,     the Afrikan emancipation.
          interesting story with us which I   “No, it will spoil your prayer.” I
          will put below.                    said, “What God are you talking
          He said "One traditional healer

                                                                The Bushmen Tribe of  Namibia. (Photo by Fhadj)

          50   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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