Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 48
things we chase after. I sensed the futility in all of
it. I asked myself what really will the globalist who
wants to depopulate the earth by 15 or whatever
percent, do with the empty lands that will be left?
That too is foolishness and a chase after nothing.
I thought about the capitalists and their madness
for money and luxury, and it all amounts to noth-
ing. I narrowed it down to siblings that fight and The point I am trying to make right now is not so
kill themselves over the land their father left be- much about what they did or did not do, but much
hind, and I realized that they too are not thinking. more about what was their life's priority and what
For the land will remain after the same death that their chase in life was about. Ancient Afrikans
took their father takes them. So what's the point both those who lived in black Egypt and the rest
of it all. Nothing. That you can't use that your fine of Afrika, did nothing randomly. They did all things
jet that you almost killed everybody for, because with clear understanding of nature and its con-
of a virus, shows you it was never important in the nectivity with spirit. To them, life on earth must
first place. That wildlife are now strolling on the not be lived outside of the life in the Spirit. In fact,
streets of some cities of the world, while humans the reality of Ma'at is only valid if seen from the
are on lock down shows you who the problem has dual sides of a weighing scale. The side which
always been. I see these things that we run after, represents heaven or spirit and the side which
the things we do and allow just to get them, and represents earth or the physical must be in con-
compare it to how our Afrikan forefathers lived stant balance or the scale will be tilted and dis-
in harmony and love with nature, and I realized harmony and chaos will set in. As it is right now in
what God's wisdom in them really was. Am I our modern world, the imbalanced downward tilt
against the good things of life you may ask? Well, of the scale to the side of earth or physicality has
it depends on what you call good and what you created and is still creating the fears, insecurity,
call life. For if life does not produce more life and discord, disharmony and chaos we have with us.
if good does not produce more good then such Sometimes I read the writings of some African
good things of life are nothing but absolute non- scholars or the social media posts of young Afri-
sense. kans who are constantly saying that the modern
day Afrikan man's problem is religion or the white
The Wisdom of the Past man's concept of God and spirituality which has
I do not believe in ancestor worship and never brainwashed or corrupted our true Afrikan identi-
will. I believe and worship the God that made all ty. And with such claims they always talk about
things by His eternal power. However, I love the going to the ancient Afrikan ways. I am ok with
wisdom and the knowledge by which the Afri- this discussion about going back to the ancient
kan forefathers lived on this continent of ancient Afrikan ways of wisdom, but I also realized that
origins. often times when these discussions are taking
I am not one of such who believe that the ancient place, it only goes around religion and the sup-
Afrikans did not believe in God or that they did posed weakness that the so called white man's
not worship Him as God. Yes they may have tried religion brought to Afrika. But then in my mind I
to reach this God through whatever means was am thinking, this crop of young Afrikans clamoring
available to them then in the forms of idols or for a return to the Afrikan ways cannot leave their
images or the worship of the things in nature, but phones untouched for thirty minutes, they cannot
to say that their spirituality was demonic, I do not walk away from Facebook for a day, they can't
agree. For even the Bible says that the invisible stay away from the junk they serve at KFC, they
attributes of God are seen in the things He made. are loaded down with disrespect and dishonor for
Simple wisdom. I realized that the images or carv- elders living just next door, Tiktok is their newest
ings that the Afrikan forefathers made were not immoral friend while Instagram is their go to app
works of art as it were, but symbols and channels for showing their bums or their new found work
through which they connected with higher pow- out skills. If you ask me, the white man's religion
ers, which they called different names according is not the problem of the Afrikan man, his new
to their geographical location and languages. But found indiscipline and self-centered attitude is.
to them the names all pointed to God the creator. Let me ask you this, as a young Afrikan man or
48 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika