Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 52


                    frikans, you are the
                                             to age or experience. This is true   that nation I didn't know existed
                    bearers of the original
                                             to some extent but not always.     at that time.
                    seed of humanity and     In my own opinion wisdom does
         Athe incubating womb                not necessarily  come from old     What this means
          through which the seed will be-
                                             age or experience even though      I do not so much believe the vi-
          come a tree of the life of God by
                                             they can come by that. For there   sion is  about  me going to Mo-
          the wisdom of the ages found in
                                             are those who are old and ex-      zambique to  tell them  words
          you. Certainly, we are first Afri-  perienced with the things of life   from  God  or even that  I  am to
          kans before we ever became         but  who  still  make decisions    share in this article what I was
          citizens of any  Afrikan coun-
                                             and even live their lives devoid   telling  the elders  in  the vision.
          tries created by the falsehood
                                             of true wisdom. For me, wisdom     And even if wanted to, I do not
          called colonial borders. We are
                                             is not the collection of informa-  remember clearly the details of
          not imaginary brothers; we are     tion in the head; it is the spirit of   what I was sharing with the el-
          brothers by the original seed of   divine  understanding  found in    ders. Since  I can't remember
          humanity and by us shall all the
                                             the heart which can either come    clearly, I sincerely wouldn't want
          world be set free from her path-
                                             through practice or be given as    to give an inaccurate message.
          way of destruction.
                                             a gift. So wisdom is heart based   However, Mozambique  is one
                                             rather than head based and it      nation I would love to visit for
          It is always a joyful thing for me   is divine, because as scripture   the fun of it, make new friends
          to  pen a few  things about any
                                             puts it, the very creative Spirit of   and take lots of  photos for  my
          country of choice  that God will
                                             God is called Wisdom. Wisdom       Afrikan collection. Even though
          allow  us feature in this maga-
                                             in the head will likely come out   I can't remember the exact word
          zine. So in this message to the    of the mouth as data or articulat-  I gave them in that vision, I think
          nation of Mozambique, I will try,   ed information, but the  wisdom   the message is more of the truth
          like always, to give it all my heart,
                                             of the heart pours forth life and   that  the leadership, eldership
          first by paying close attention to
                                             light for those who are instructed   or government  of Mozambique
          what God has in mind. But even
                                             by it.                             cannot resolve the situations in
          as I put these words together, I                                      their nations using  the wisdom
          am also open to any words God      The vision                         of men or the experience of life
          may have given to  someone
                                             God gave me a vision about Mo-     and in governance.  It  has be-
          else concerning this great na-
                                             zambique some time in 2012 or      come quite the norm to associ-
          tion. In as much as I have never
                                             thereabout. In this vision, I was   ate wisdom or the ability to offer
          been  to Mozambique  in all  my    seated in a place that  I  knew    solutions to a problem to college
          life, Mozambique however hap-
                                             was Maputo, the capital of Mo-     or university degrees.  But we
          pens  to be one  of the few na-
                                             zambique.  Yes,  I  said I  have   can see clearly what such wis-
          tions in Afrika that I was shown
                                             never been to Mozambique, but      dom has created in our world.
          a few things about some years
                                             I knew in the vision where I was   Only the wisdom of God found in
          ago. I will write from that space   exactly.  That  was  my  first  time   the heart of God will solve the is-
          of what I was shown but will not
                                             ever to  know a  place existed     sues in Mozambique, whatever
          necessarily give details of what
                                             called Maputo. As I sat and was    those issues may be.
          it was that I was given, with the
                                             looking  at the various things
          belief that he who reads will by
                                             going on around me,  a group       Wisdom that comes by the
          the wisdom of  God understand      of Elders walked up to me and
          the mind of God concerning this                                       fear of God
                                             gathered around. I  recognized     Scripture puts it that “the fear
          beautiful coastal nation.
                                             them as the elders of the land.    of the Lord is the beginning of
          Wisdom began with God  and
                                             I started telling them things God
          wisdom in the Afrikan context is                                      wisdom.” And in another place it
                                             would have them do for their na-
          synonymous  with eldership or      tion and how to do them. It was    says “the fear of the Lord, this
          the experience that comes with                                        is  wisdom”.  The  salient point
                                             certainly a strange vision  for    concerning  wisdom seems to
          old age. And that’s why you hear
                                             me back then, simply because I     be the fear of the Lord. But what
          people  say in  Afrika that grey
                                             found it strange that God would
          hair is the sign of wisdom, mean-                                     exactly is the  fear of the Lord.
                                             be talking to me about a place in
          ing that people attached wisdom                                       What does it mean? I won’t go
          52   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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