Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 47
we really
a critical look at life and futility
sometimes watch movies
I a weird movie if you ask me. when attacked by the zombies.
So watch at your own discre-
when I am not serious-
Only the things man made had
stopped. It was then wisdom hit
ly writing, designing this
tion. The part about the high
magazine, walking or
doing something else. Like an body temperature kinda looks my mind and I was
this makes sense. I compared
like early Covid-19 symptoms.
unwritten constitution, my wife Well don't ask me what was the it with what we have right now
and I watch movies when we original plan for Covid-19. I do in this Covid-19 pandemic and
are having our meals. Just kind not know. But I am curious to I realized the same thing. Night
of stuck with us like a style. know if there is any connection and day have not stopped, the
So on this particular evening between this movie and this sun is still smiling, the moon
while having dinner, we started real life Covid-19. So in this remains shy at night, plants are
watching a movie-series titled movie, the entire system of the growing greener because the
Fear the Walking Dead. For world had shut down. No gov- rain that is falling is cleaner (no
those who have not watched it, ernments, no military, no police, chem trails), the air has sud-
I think it's part of another series factories and warehouses had denly become fresher because
titled The Walking Dead. It's a become morgues for walking human pollution has decreased,
post apocalypse movie series dead bodies, no planes are the rivers did not go on holidays
that tells the story of a deadly flying, no borders, meaning no because men are killing them-
virus that infected the world and passports and visas, no shop- selves, everything in nature
wiped out almost all humans ping malls, no hospitals, welfare is still working fine and even
globally, turning whoever dies departments, no churches, no better than before. Just like in
into flesh eating zombies. The mosques, in fact, no nothing. the movie, they all continued to
virus usually begins with a high But I noticed that the only things obey the first words of God giv-
body temperature, disorienta- that stopped were the things en to them from the beginning.
tion, shutting down of the brain that man had spent all his life Only the things that man made
and other symptoms followed building. Day and night did not had stopped. Even man him-
by death and reanimation a stop, rain didn't stop falling, the self had not stopped because it
short while later into a flesh-eat- grass had not stopped growing, was God that made him. Then
ing un-dead creature. And the the waves of the sea were still I looked at our society to try to
only way to kill the zombies dancing around, the animals understand why we do what we
is to pierce their heads. Quite are still breeding fine except do and why we chase after the heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 47