Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 44


          soul, level of consciousness or    ca is a country of two economic    tion, alcoholism, war, etc. that at
          life-force                         nations’, i.e. the first economy   present cannot be solved, could
          It sees a human-centered one       and the second economy’.           be solved, or at least greatly
          world.                             Prof. Herbert Vilakazi (2001)      alleviated, in a world organized
          It believes that the material gain   “The challenge for us in Africa,   according to the central princi-
          alone cannot lead to true de-      is to develop a new economics,     ples of Afrinomics Theory.
          velopment; economic activities     which shall be a reflection of     Before I begin, however, I will
          are inter-related with all other   the economic experiences of        give two answers to what law-
          aspects of life.                   the overwhelming majority of       yers call a threshold question.
          It believes that people’s well-be-  society, the African people”.     A threshold question is a ques-
          ing and their very identity are                                       tion that needs to be answered
          rooted in their spiritual, social,   Epistemic Reflexivity            before beginning the analysis
          and cultural traditions.           In a sense, the Afrinomics         proper. My threshold question
          Literature Review                  Theory attempts to be involved,    here is the question why a white
          Aristotle, “Man was not an eco-    with other global forces, in an    man such as me would want to
          nomic but a social being. Man’s    organized process of de-colo-      contribute to building an African
          economy was, as a rule, sub-       nizing and over-hauling West-      thought, such as this one, is
          merged in social relations”.       ern capitalism so that it could    sometimes identified with the
          Karl Polanyi (1940) “Lais-         serve humanity well, and we        conviction that the opinions of
          sez-faire industrial capitalism    can do that if we move from        white men have dominated the
          separated out economy from         outside to the inside, and begin   world far too long, and that it
          society and polity by turning      to domesticate all the economic    is time to reconstruct the world
          labor, land and other natural      methodologies and approaches       according to the opinions of
          resources into commodities…”       that were ideologically con-       people who are not white, or not
          Prof. Adebayo Adedeji (1982)       structed, as Western economic      male, or neither white nor male.
          “Most development paradigms        constitutive rules, and begin to   If Afrinomics Theory is in princi-
          in Africa have been grounded       problematize new epistemolog-      ple a revolt against me, it might
          in Western political and devel-    ical approaches that are based     appear masochistic on my part
          opment traditions that failed to   on our own cosmogonies, i.e.       to be contributing to a revolt
          take cognizance of Africa’s cul-   look at things from within and     against myself.
          tural and historical background”.  re-humanize the economic           Firstly, as Bhengu makes clear,
          Prof. George Ayittey (2005),       world.                             Afrinomics Theory is not a
          “The type of capitalism prac-      It is in this sense, that this theo-  racist doctrine. It proposes a
          ticed in Africa was of a different   ry explores ways and means of    non-racial world with respect for
          variety. Profit was not appro-     creating an economic-cultural      cultural diversity, organized by a
          priated by a single individual or   synergy, which would achieve      philosophy originating in Africa
          by corporate owners, as in the     an integral, re-humanized and      (where indeed, as Dani Nadu-
          West. Nor was it appropriated      moral economic system, that        bere and others have shown,
          by the state, as in the East. In   would, in turn, create an integral   European philosophy also origi-
          indigenous Africa, profit was      and holistic economy.              nated). Afrinomics Theory is not
          shared between the owners and                                         an African attack on the rest of
          the workers”.                      Review of Afrinomics Theory        humankind. It is an African con-
          Prof. Ali Mazrui (1966) ‘African   Every day I feel an urgent need    tribution to all of humankind.
          integrity motive vs Western        to put into practice the central   Secondly, Afrinomics Theory,
          profit motive’.                    ideas of Afrinomics Theory. I      with its roots in a particular set
          Julius Nyerere (1968), came        feel it whenever I see beggars     of cultures and in the history of
          up with the theory of Ujamaa in    on the street, and whenever I      a particular geographical area,
          Tanzania.                          learn something of the life story   is an example of a new, better,
          Kwame Nkruma (1967), empha-        of someone who has suffered        and more believable form of
          sized African socialism concept    economic adversities. I believe,   humanism. By “old” humanism
          as articulated in his famous       further, that problems that are    I mean the universal rights of
          book “Consciencism”.               not strictly economic such as      man of the European Enlight-
          Thabo Mbeki (2007) ‘South Afri-    crime, environmental degrada-      enment. They are classically

          44   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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