Page 40 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 40


          are popping up like unwanted       dire straits politically and eco-  encourages and facilitates true
          acne, on land that not long ago    nomically – and the church,        Afrikan brotherhood.
          used to be exclusively small-      despite knowing the counsel of     We must eliminate unfair and
          holder farmland. This trend is     God, remains complicit in their    crushing tax regulations and
          not isolated to the neighbor-      evil-doing, because they value     shift to make room for people
          hood or county I’m in either.      money more than the Lord, then     to be able to earn and build
          Afrika is the last stronghold of   something must be done.            without pressure from regimes
          liberty and it is struggling with                                     that misappropriate funds on a
          the shackles of an approach        Jeremiah 6:16 (NKJV) says,         regular basis, yet without con-
          to ‘modernization’ that it never   “16 Thus says the Lord:            sequence.
          needed in the first place. This    “Stand in the ways and see,        Most importantly, we must
          approach has affected mind-        And ask for the old paths,         connect to God personally and
          set and self-perception, food,     where the good way is,And          collectively, from a genuine and
          health and nutrition, social       walk in it; Then you will find rest   sincere place, outside of the
          health, political and rulership    for your souls.                    institutions that have failed to
          robustness and accountability.     But they said, ‘We will not walk   prepare us to deal effectively
          We no longer seek to imple-        in it.’                            with what is ahead and we must
          ment the counsel of God as a                                          heed His Word spoken to us to
          priority in anything we do, which   We cannot waste another           guide our way forward.
          is resulting in a separation from   minute in pursuit of things that
          the critical flow of the wisdom    do not matter. We must build
          we need in how we are intend-      what works and do it now. This
          ed to run our daily affairs.       means that we must focus
          This can no longer continue.       on what pleases God, which
          Every man, woman and child         includes faith (i.e. hearing Him),
          connected to the God-given Af-     looking after the widows and
          rikan destiny must now, quickly,   the orphans, the poor, the hun-
          find and connect with the pure     gry and the sick, dealing with
          wisdom of God, to know who         injustice and so on.
          they are and what they are         We must plant crops and herbs          LEARN FROM THE PAST
          placed here and now for. As. A.    that heal and restore us and
          Priority. Go to God directly, you   the earth using methods that
          do not need a mediator, and        strengthen us and the earth.
          you need this connection more      We must cook and eat in ways       3. Afrika First and Indige-
          than the air that you breathe.     that heal, restore and strength-   nous, Needs-Led
                                             en our bodies. We must pursue      Production
          2. Tear down and rebuild           each others’ welfare instead of    We must fix internal trade in Af-
          Government, business and           blindly pursuing profit. Forget    rika. Corona Virus has present-
          church are not working the way     the fake GDP measures and          ed us with a beautiful oppor-
          that we are told they are sup-     put in place lifestyle measures    tunity to close or keep closed
          posed to be working and this       that evaluate individual and so-   our external borders for a little
          is a global reality. It is time to   cial health, standards of living,   while, but to open up borders
          re-evaluate how Afrika was truly   quality of air, water, soil, food   within Afrika for our people to
          intended to function. We must      etc as priorities over money.      travel and trade freely with each
          consult God and under His          We must do away with govern-       other and without restrictions
          guidance, make reference to        ment policies, laws, regulations   once again.
          relevant indigenous knowledge      and people who are self-serving    We must produce, yes, but we
          systems to carefully restructure   and destructive.                   need to produce what is bene-
          our approach to living. If for the   We must change the way we        ficial to Afrika in ways that are
          past 60 years (6 DECADES)          perceive Afrika. We must re-       beneficial. We must produce
          Afrika has applied knowledge       place the colonial borders with    what is NEEDED by Afrika, not
          and wisdom from the west and       free movement within Afrika that   excess for mindless consump-
          the east and still remains in

          40   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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