Page 37 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 37
Afrika First
Opportunity arising from
the Corona Fear-Demic
China and later to the world,
are all different), the race was one can even find other issues
on around the world to create impacting the globe that do have
a vaccine for it. In the mov- higher numbers than the Corona
ie Contagion a mandatory Virus, but have never received
vaccine was what ‘saved the such a frenzied global response.
day.’ The question is why is a We do know that new response
global mandatory vaccine the measures are introduced
exclusive universally accepted each time there is a
‘solution’ to the current Corona ‘crisis’, the ques-
Virus situation? In a world of tion is, what is
over 7 billion people made up of the cumula-
diverse cultures and ideas, you tive effect
want to tell me that every single of these
person agrees that there is only re-
one way to end or manage this spons-
and that just happens to be es on
a vaccine? No one had other individu-
ideas at all? For the spiritually al free-
inclined, this level of agreement doms and
seems a lot like the tower they national
built in Sychar now known as and interna-
the Tower of Babel. If you have tional laws?
read our previous articles on Could there be
vaccines, you will understand a bigger web
the inherent dangers contained being woven
in them. that we have
Previous ‘pandemics’ that have not yet spotted
taken place that have captured because of fo-
the world’s attention such as cusing on the
HIV/AIDS, Swine Flu and SARS micro
display similar trends of global issues?
panic, global warnings about Some re-
numbers expected to be sponses require
impacted, and even- Governments to com-
tual outcomes that mit to increased resource
are far lower allocation to global health
than predict- emergencies, increased
ed. If one spending is made into vaccines
searches and therapeutics, all countries are re-
with quired to develop new capacities for areas
care, like genome sequencing and reporting,
R&D and the way people and communi- heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 37