Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 34


          27th of March 2020, which was
          to last for a month, before being
          extended for another 21 days.
          Obviously not many were ready
          for this action and not many
          were excited about it either,
          especially those low income
          earners that mostly do daily
          or night jobs to feed and take
          care of their families. It looked
          like a horror movie for them to
          even think that they wouldn't be
                                             at home, lying in front of a TV    abuse, rather than dialogue
          able to go out to fend for their   to save the world.#StayAtH-        were the only things the police
          upkeep. But like many other
                                             ome DONT SCREW THIS UP!            were taught to use on the sup-
          actions of the government, it
                                             #IgnorantKenyans #COVIDI-          posed inferior natives? Because
          was for the greater good and
                                             OT #StayAtHome #Coronavi-          in my mind I am thinking, why
          I personally truly sympathize
                                             rusPandemic.” Along with an        does a policeman feel so ok
          with them. The curfew started      infographic that also raised       and proud to subject a man like
          as scheduled and like some
                                             eyebrows. And when asked if        himself or a woman like the wife
          not-too-well-planned project,
                                             they couldn’t have put it more     he has at home to near ani-
          the first day recorded some
                                             politely, responded, “Naah.” The   mal-like treatment? Could it be
          heinous acts of brutality of the
                                             first Tweet was still pinned on    an outer reality of a deeper is-
          police on the masses. Naturally,   their account as of 22nd April     sue? I think it is. Just maybe we
          this caused a lot of uproar and
                                             2020. Could this, perhaps, lend    need to reevaluate and over-
          President Kenyatta had to apol-
                                             some insight towards the actual    haul the entire police story and
          ogize to the nation for this act of
                                             perspective the police have of     come up with a new policing
          police brutality. I must say that's
                                             the people and their relation-     system that works for our peo-
          one of the very first times I was   ship towards them? Is there       ple.  For, even if a policeman is
          seeing that and it made my day.
                                             a bigger problem lying under-      obeying orders, does it warrant
          I am serious. But like a critical
                                             neath that we are refusing to      throwing compassion and the
          thinking person, I also had my
                                             deal with? Because for me, the     simplicity of humanity out of the
          worries and a few things I think
                                             no-love between the police and     window? I do not think so.
          we are not taking accurate         the people seems to point to       I may be mistaken but I sin-
          measures to correct.
                                             something bigger and we have       cerely do not see such acts as
                                             to talk about it from a holistic,   just the obeying of orders from
          What really is the problem?
                                             systemic, psychological, spir-     the presidency or the police
          I sincerely appreciate the men     itual point of view, so that just   bosses, at least I hope it is not.
          of the uniform who do all to       maybe we can find a solution to    I want to believe it is something
          keep our nations safe. But my
                                             the police-people conflict that    that is much more personal to
          first concern or question is this:
                                             always shows up with every         the police themselves. Let me
          Why do things concerning the
                                             emergency. To not do it now,       explain with this question. What
          police and the masses always       is to keep under the carpet the    will make a man, in this case, a
          end up in chaos, brutality, dis-   very dirt that causes the stench   policeman find value in deval-
          respect for basic human rights
                                             in our society.                    uing the very people he or she
          and the many other things that
                                                                                is employed to serve? Could it
          often occur? For instance, in
                                             Holistic/Systemic                  be that the system we inherited
          the case of Kenya, the National    On a more broad level, could it    from the white colonialists, has
          Police Service official Twitter
                                             be that the general training of    created a police force that is so
          account released a tweet in
                                             the police force, in this case, in   devalued in their thinking that
          March some days before the
                                             Afrika stems from the patterns     the only way they think they are
          curfew was announced, say-
                                             of the colonial days where         valued is when someone falls at
          ing, “You have only got once       force, rather friendship, verbal   their feet helpless, like the colo-
          in a lifetime opportunity to stay

          34   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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