Page 39 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 39
happen when these are refined ion, like Rwanda, while others skills, willingness and drive to
and put to God-use. What embraced pure chaos and be able to solve problems if
Afrikans tend to forget is this, dishonor; treating their brethren given the opportunity. Which
Afrika has always been spiritu- worse than chickens on a farm means, as a priority, Afrika must
ally connected to the Creator causing stampedes and tossing re-look its entire approach to
God and because of this and sacks of food at crowds of peo- EVERYTHING that it does.
despite the massive erosion in ple. This means that, in 2020, if
culture, we still believe we are an Afrikan country was to shut How?
created beings with an eternal down entirely, either starvation 1. Understanding her role
destiny in God. Afrika is eternal- or lawlessness or both would and destiny
ly connected to the Divine plan be swift outcomes that these The entire world has been
of God, having provided shelter governments would have to trapped and imprisoned by its
to the nation He birthed, Israel contend with. governments for a long time in
i.e. through Abraham, Joseph That we have a huge number a reality that has nothing to do
and later Jacob and the rest of of people living on the edge of with its welfare. The UN’s Agen-
his 11 sons. Through providing financial ruin is not new infor- da21 and 2030 are strategies
shelter to the young Messiah mation to Afrikan governments. that are intended to restrain and
when Herod sought to kill Him, That these governments have contain large populations of
through providing aid to the done nothing about them for people in urban areas, cen-
Messiah via the shoulders of decades is not new information tralize their food, water and air
Simon the Cyrene in bearing to the citizens. That it means supplies, control all information
His cross to Golgotha, through that in a crisis those on the inputs in terms of news and
crucifying Him in spiritual Egypt, edge could be facing impending entertainment, control all earn-
through carrying the redemptive doom is also not new informa- ing methods and vaccinate the
message via the Ethiopian eu- tion to either the government global population to the greatest
nuch and bearing Him up once or the citizens. The income extent possible. This will leave
again in these end times. We gap in Afrika, coupled with the large swathes of land under
are the beginning and the end blatant wastage of resources government control, paving the
of things in the story of man on on the part of national and local way for global government or
earth. governments, the over-inflated one world government. These
salaries and lavish lifestyles of plans are being put to the test
The Afrika Opportunity politicians and Afrikan leaders… using the Corona Virus situation
While the Corona Virus ex- not new, not strange. The po- to effectively gauge the world’s
perience did expose the soft tential impact of this, however, responses.
under-belly of Afrika’s true was again made glaringly evi- The freedom to move around
socio-economic state beyond dent during this period. Afrikan Afrika was curtailed by the fake
GDP ratings, it also presented heads of state and government colonial era borders, so it’s a
her with great opportunities to breathed a collective sigh of very short hop to imprisonment
shift things in a dramatically relief when they were promised in cities, with the emptying out
different direction. Some of the funds, tools and equipment to of rural areas, especially in
things exposed were the glaring help resolve this situation, again these countries where policy
financial needs of Afrikans, as demonstrating the clear lack of is put into effect using mostly
seen in daily wage and low-in- preparedness on their part to brute force and other Draconian
come earners who make up manage issues within their bor- measures. This is because –
the majority in Afrikan coun- ders. In 2020. Afrikan people, mentally and spiritually - people
tries. This dearth is actually once again, took up the mantle have already accepted abnor-
what led to some countries not and began to innovate, pro- mal restrictions as par for the
going into full lock down mode, ducing masks, hand sanitizers, course. As I write this, I’m sitting
because there would be no automated taps and ventilators on the top floor of an apartment
way to provide for those who – demonstrating that they are block, in a rapidly developing
live on a fixed daily income, not a bunch of dummies who peri-urban area where apart-
while others chose to distribute need to depend on imports from ment blocks and office blocks
food. Some in an orderly fash- any country, but are people with heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 39