Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 42



                                         Theory final part

                                                                       Mfuniselwa Bhengu

               Prof. Herbert Vilakazi (2001), writing in the New Agenda journal (a South African
                Journal of Social and Economic Policy) of 2001 had this to say: “We must real-
               ize that what is called ‘economics’, as it is taught in our universities, is simply a
               reflection of the economic experiences of the White community, which in itself
              is an extension of the economic experiences of developed Western countries. The
              challenge for us in Africa, is to develop a new economics, which shall be a reflec-
                tion of the economic experiences of the overwhelming majority of society, the
                African people…Our economics must begin with an accurate knowledge of the
               situation and needs of the overwhelming majority of Africans in rural and semi
                                rural areas, and in the townships of urban areas”.

          Principles of Afrinomics           Compassion                         Disciplines of Afrinomics
          Theory                             Caring about others commu-         Theory Economic
          Integrity                          nicates our respect for others.    Anthropology: this explains
          When we act with integrity,        It creates a climate in which      human economic behavior
          we harmonize our behavior to       others will be compassionate       using the tools of both econom-
          conform to universal human         toward us when we need it          ics and anthropology. It deals
          principles. We do what we know     most.                              with the relationship between
          is right; we act in line with our                                     the world capitalist system and
          principles and beliefs.            Forgiveness                        local cultures.
                                             Without a tolerance for mis-       Political Economy: Originally,
          Responsibility                     takes and the knowledge of         political economy meant the
          For one’s actions to conform to    our own imperfection, we are       study of the conditions under
          universal human principles, one    likely to be rigid, inflexible, and   which production was organized
          must take responsibility for his/  unable to engage with others in    in the nation-states. It explains
          her actions – and the conse-       ways that promote our mutual       phenomena beyond economics’
          quences of those actions.          good.                              standard remit, in which con-
                                                                                text, the term “positive political

          42   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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