Page 41 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 41
tion like capitalists do. We need
to produce what is needed to
help Afrika rise: Homes that do
not pollute i.e using materials
and methods that are sustain-
able and non-toxic; energy that
does not destroy or pollute;
agriculture that restores health
and strength to the land so that
it produces plants and animals
that restore health and strength
to the people.
We must share indigenous Kenyatta University students build ventilator
seeds and seedlings across
Afrika in order to enable our
people to plant, identify and
know how to use plants and if the government won’t do it for and apparently doesn’t produce
herbs for healing and health. us, it means we need to do it for anyone who can actually trans-
Our education system must em- ourselves. form things… either that or the
power our children and adults to Afrikans in the Diaspora must system is so oppressive that it
know how to interact with their return and share the expertise effectively kills off anyone who
environment in ways that are and insights they have gathered can actually bring transforma-
beneficial to all. in their time in other lands in tive changes to it. It boggles the
We must heal the land from order to turn it in favor of what mind that the generation of Afri-
the corruption and death that Afrika now needs as the new kans that went to Cairo, Accra,
we have sown; the bloodshed global solution for every sector. Lagos, Makerere, Dar and all
and the evil deeds that we have the other illustrious universities
done have corrupted the earth. Final Thoughts and polytechnics in Afrika, plus
The chemicals that have been In conclusion, I put it to you that those who were flown to the US
sprayed that have turned into Capitalism is not a viable solu- and Russia - and the genera-
pollutants that poison our soil tion for Afrika. Capitalism is one tions that followed them - seem
and air and water and bodies. of the most wicked, heartless to have failed to solve the issue
Our water itself is polluted with systems ever to exist. It takes of how to ensure that no Afri-
chemicals from factories and no prisoners and even if you kan is left struggling with one
from treatment processes that conform to it, there are no guar- dollar between them and abject
are actually poisoning us. We antees that you will thrive in it. despair.
must stop. If you do not meet its criteria, it Darling Afrika, we cannot
Stop trading in used clothing spits you out with no mercy. It continue to deceive ourselves.
and vehicles and give people demands and even creates an The things that trouble Afrika
an opportunity to create what ever-widening gap between rich are evident and right under
is beneficial for the continent. and poor and calls the former our noses; something is wrong
Let’s give our people the best successful and latter, failures. It and we must move with haste
quality possible, and that in- is failing the world over. to address it now. And if your
cludes not exporting our best The modern healthcare system government won’t do it, nothing
foods, but providing nutrient is a nuisance and a shambles. is preventing you from stepping
dense high quality foods to Our only consolation is that up and being the solution that
our people, so that our people this time the politicians did not Afrika is looking for now.
grow in health and strength have anywhere to run and had
from generation to generation. to face the medical system they
Surely that is what a govern- had neglected, so some effort
ment is meant to do – nurture was made.
and protect its people first? And The education system is a joke heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 41