Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 35
nialists and their lackeys did? we must however not forget that multinationals in mind more
Whatever it is, it casts a long men do reap what they sow. It than they have the people at
shadow on the entire govern- is a universal law that doesn't heart. The police force says
ment system because it por- go away even when you are it serves the people, but we
trays a government that thinks doing your mandated duties; always see where the people
its people ought to be handled meaning that we owe it to are seated in the mud with cane
no better than animals. For ourselves to know that we are and boot marks on their backs
it appears the only time the dealing with humans and with and faces. The judiciary says
people are worth anything in God who is the judge of all flesh they serve the people, but it is
the eyes of politicians is when and keep that in mind as we obvious who they serve judging
they are seeking for votes. This make choices on or off the job. by the many cases of injustice
is not acceptable and should be We cannot keep tears flowing and delays in justice that keep
corrected. in the eyes of poor widows who innocent citizens in places they
just lost their kids to police bru- are not supposed to be while
Tactically tality and then think there are waiting for a never coming
I want to believe that our police no spiritual consequences. God justice. And the story continues.
forces in Afrika get adequate still feels the pain and sees the What of The Master, God, Who
training before they are sent to tears of widows and the father- everyone seems to be busy
the field of policing. But at the less, and He does not take such ignoring and thinking that their
same time I also doubt how true acts of injustice lightly. lives lived on earth will tell no
that is. For instance I read of tales in eternity?
a fifteen year old boy who was Emotionally
shot dead by a policeman in There are questions we must We cannot cover our eyes to
Mombasa. The story was that answer. Is there a way within the plight of the Afrikan people.
the boy was coming towards the police system that the emo- We cannot tell ourselves that
the policeman with a machete tional state of the police officers what worked for the colonialist
in his hand in an area that was is watched over with the care in their days of oppression in
already prone to violence. That and love they deserve for the Afrika should still work in this
certainly sounds like some strenuous duties they perform? day of supposed independence.
form of self-defense from the If there is already, is it working That’s not progress but a recy-
policeman, but I am thinking, and is it effective? What is the cling of the same thing we told
what happened to hand-to-hand state of their families and loved ourselves we got independence
combat skills that police or ones? Is there an active depart- from. The rule and laws of the
security personnel are sup- ment of the police that takes land were made for the people
posed to have in dealing with care of them? For we can't and not the people for the rule
minor issues that do not require leave the safety of our people and laws of the land. So we
guns? Is it that the policeman is in the hands of those who don't can’t hide behind laws and rules
too weak or ill-trained to disarm even feel safe themselves. to treat our people like humans
a fifteen year old boy wielding of a lesser God. We must pro-
a machete, that the only option Who does the system real- tect our people from individual
is to shoot to kill? Is it that the ly serve? interests that undermine our
police are not trained to keep They say every master has a collective humanity and respon-
the preservation and protection master. But my question is this, sibility. We owe ourselves that
of life as first priority and there- who really does the system of much.
fore they do not look for ways to government serve, especially in
protect even those seeking to Afrika? The presidency says it So Mr. President, thank you for
harm them? serves the people, but just like your apology, but we need a
sunlight, we see that it serves new Afrika based on true love
Spiritually its own agenda or some for- and brotherhood, with policies
Inasmuch as every policeman, eign agenda. For clearly, most that reflect this.
just like every other employee, policies that are made have the
must do their job and carry out foreign overlords and corporate
their duties with all commitment, heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 35