Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 58


          advantage and only incidentally    with my little experience, that    ists" were at least optimistic that
          for the good of the African (qtd   the African nature will be hap-    with intensive guidance and
          in Uzoigwe, 1978:28).              pier, produce the best, and live   kindergarten-like tutelage, Afri-
          The Portuguese historian,          under conditions of prosperity     cans may reach minimal matu-
          Adriano Vasco Rodrigues has        when his labor is directed and     rity, but the "trusteeship" school
          opened another debatable di-       organized by his white brother     were absolutely pessimistic on
          mension of the argument, still to   who has all these million years'   the possibility of transforming
          justify the humanitarian and civ-  start ahead of him (qtd. In        the African into a normal human
          ilizing mission of the European    Crowder,1968:36).                  being.
          race. According to Rodrigues,      Jomo Kenyatta, the first Pres-     Europe saw Africa as a con-
          it was through colonization that   ident of independent Kenya in      tinent that suffered total and
          the African was elevated to        a perceptive analysis of colo-     incurable dwarfism. A people
          the status of a human being:       nialism has faulted the idea       with a defective religion and
          “Colonization, principally that    that colonialism enhanced          natural victims of psychic mal-
          practiced by the Portuguese,       the economic fortunes of the       function. That was the mind-set
          raised the Negro to the status of   Africans: They speak as if it     that prevailed in Europe when
          human being, to the extent that    were somehow beneficial to an      missionary interest was revived
          they considered him to be their    African to work for them instead   in European Christianity. The
          equal” (Rodrigues, 1968: 440).     of for himself, and to make sure   idea of a defective religion
          The argument here is val-          that he will receive this benefit   was anchored on the concept
          ue-loaded and ethnocentric         they do their best to take away    of heathenism, which was the
          with a faulty conclusion that it   his land and leave him no alter-   preoccupation of missionaries
          was colonization, that aided the   native. Along with his land they   in the nineteenth century. The
          full development and matura-       rob him of his government, con-    conversion of heathens and ab-
          tion of the African to the status   demn his religions ideas, and     olition of pagandom at all cost
          of a human being. Apart from       ignore his fundamental concep-     was a task that must be done.
          technological superiority, there   tions of justice and morals, all   N. S. S. Iwe has defined colo-
          was also a concomitant feeling     under the name of civilization     nial mentality as a mind-set that
          of moral and racial superiority.   and progress (Kenyatta, 305).      sees Africans as people who
          The white man was theoreti-        It was speculated that through     are not competent, or mature
          cally placed at the top of the     the process of intensive conver-   to manage their own affairs.
          hierarchy, while the black man     sionism, a colony that excelled    It also connotes lack of confi-
          who was deemed irredeemably        in adopting western values to      dence in Africa and the African
          inferior and senseless was         the maximum may achieve a          way of life. Colonial mentality
          placed at the bottom. Thus         pseudo independent status          sees the African as imperfect,
          the conquest of Africa and         and merit the description like     wanting in self confidence,
          the subsequent scramble and        "overseas France" or "overseas     dignity, resourcefulness and
          partition of the entire continent   Portugal". Another theory of      creativity, hence do not deserve
          were carried out supposedly        imperialism was called "perma-     any honor and respect from
          in the interest of Africans who    nent trusteeship", or "paternal-   civilized humanity. Colonial
          required many years of tute-       ism". For this school of thought,   mentality means a lower or
          lage to become normal human        Africans were incurably inferior   negative self-image, lack of self
          being. Lord Leverhulme at a        to Europeans and are naturally     esteem and the belief in one's
          dinner in honor of the Governor    incapable of adopting the civi-    own inferiority. In colonial Afri-
          of Nigeria, Sir Hugh Clifford      lized standards of the "superior"   ca, colonial mentality was the
          said: I am certain that West       races. There is no possibility of   outcome of intensive European
          African races have to be treated   future improvement or devel-       propaganda, brain washing and
          very much as one would treat       opment. Africans perpetually       psychological warfare against
          children when they are imma-       are to be protected, supervised    Africans and anything African.
          ture and under-developed...        and monitored by the "superior"    Colonial mentality has affected
          Now the organizing ability is the   races. The difference between     all the segments of African soci-
          particular trait and characteristic   "conversionists" and "trustee-  ety. Anything that is indigenous
          of the white man. .. I say this    ship", was that the "conversion-   is looked down upon as unim-

          58   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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