Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 61


          they make the decisions or not     infiltrating these systems.        entire world to be a sort of a
          is less important than the fact    Major European colonial and        Global Village. The initiative will
          that they hold such power. They    neo-colonial powers namely         inevitably pose a lot of crisis
          command major hierarchies          Britain, France, Germany, Por-     challenges, threats and risks to
          and organizations of modern        tugal and Spain strive to sub-     the harmonious sustainability
          society, big corporations and      due, dominate, exploit/enslave     and survival of humanity, hu-
          occupy strategic command           and/or exterminate the inhabi-     man civilization and prosperity
          posts in the social order and      tants of the regions and coun-     as well as the sustainability of
          structure in the community.        tries they colonized, with a view   the global ecosystems and their
          The elite have networks deep-      of converting these regions        biodiversity.
          ly embedded in governments,        and countries to literally be      To urgently enhance global sol-
          military and other major or-       extensions of Europe the way       idarity and ensure humanity’s
          ganizations, and with these        they comprehensively did in N.     survival, wellbeing and prosper-
          connections they are able to       America, S. America, Australia,    ity in future, we need to address
          influence the decisions made in    New Zealand and Canada.            the crisis and threat of Global
          these organizations as well as     To be able to totally subdue       village scenario by first and fore
          in their operations. One percent   and conquer these regions          most understanding, appreciat-
          of the elite has more than twice   and countries they imposed         ing, sustainably and impact fully
          as much wealth as the approx-      stringent control of people’s      mitigating against the unethical
          imate 6.9 billion people of the    movement and migration from        control of the world by the elite.
          world.                             one region/ country to another.
          According to Oxfam, (26)           In addition diverse European       Slavery, colonialism, neocolo-
          twenty six rich billionaires hold   languages and religions were      nialism and elitism should be
          wealth and assets equivalent       imposed on the colonized in-       totally unsustainable today. The
          to that of 3.8 billion people who   habitants to make it difficult for   perpetrator of these injustices
          make up the poorest half of the    interregional and inter-country    should therefore ideally ac-
          world’s population. The Oxfam      interaction and communication      cept, appreciate and honestly
          report pointed out that the num-   amongst the colonized people       apologize for these unethical
          ber of billionaires owning the     in different countries and re-     and inhumane historical injus-
          half of world’s wealth fell from   gions.                             tices, which are otherwise very
          43 in 2017 to 26 by 2019. Jeff     True liberation therefore re-      difficult to fully harmoniously
          Bezos the richest man on the       quires urgent, strategic dis-      mediate and reconcile.
          planet is worth more than $100     mantling of all the colonial and
          billion in wealth, 30% of his      neo-colonial strategies and bar-   Depopulation Agenda
          wealth could facilitate Kenya’s    riers that restrict equitable free   According to massawakening.
          annual budget in its entirety.     flow, interaction and communi-     org, the Agenda 21, Agenda
          42 million people (0.8%) of the    cation between people, within      2030 and Agenda 2050 are
          world’s population have wealth     the diverse peoples, countries,    plans devised by the U.N. to de-
          exceeding $1 million, these        continents and regions of the      populate 95% of the world pop-
          people control 44.8% of the        world.                             ulation by 2030. Agenda 21 was
          world’s total wealth. In 2020 the                                     designed by the U.N and signed
          worlds 2,200 billionaires got a    Globalization                      by 178 governments at the Rio
          12% increase to their wealth,      Globalization is defined as a      De Janeiro UN conference on
          whereas the world got 11%          process by which businesses        Environment and Development,
          poorer, which does not make        or other organizations develop     held in1992. The Agenda 21
          sense economically or ethically.    international influence or start   is a plan of action to be taken
          Unethical systems have been        operating on an international      globally, nationally and locally
          intentionally setup to ensure      scale. During the last few de-     by organizations of the United
          that wealth unethically remains    cades global elite fraternity has   Nations system, governments
          concentrated amongst a few in-     been at the fore front in articu-  and major groups in every area
          dividual, while the poor remain    lation of globalization process    in which humans impacts on
          poor, thereby compromising         which intended to convert the      the environment. Being human
          practical ways of reversing or                                        however will always have an

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