Page 68 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 68
consider to be backwardness, is between the approximately ident ever was Gaddafi”. He’s
our constant saving grace. The 1.2 billion of us internally. And right. According to the World
second wave of effects follow- because of the brush they Economic Forum (2016) Afrika
ing a crash would be for most painted us with as Afrikans, a has 60% of the world’s unculti-
countries outside of Afrika to fo- couple of French doctors think vated arable land, yet it is a net
cus on stabilizing and rebuilding the continent’s only value is to importer of food, grapples with
their own economies, meaning be used as a giant lab to test a food security and undernourish-
that Afrika would likely see the poisonous vaccine and Chinese ment.
backs of their heads in areas of people are now being fed and Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao,
investment and foreign aid for eagerly consuming the lie that former Permanent Represen-
a time – unless we had some- the black people are the cause tative of the African Union
thing they needed in which case of Corona Virus and are en- Mission to the US was relieved
they would try get it on terms gaged in racist acts against our of office for what we all know
favorable only to them. people and our governments – were political reasons. It is my
In an evidently vulnerable world well, they’re trying to preserve view that she was just what the
system, made more so by the their relationships with China continent and the AU needed.
current situation, the same – and the British and Kenyan A fearless voice, willing to spill
world system that Afrika has government think that Kenya is all the beans and tear away
been trying to emulate and con- a suitable testing ground for a the veils of lies that had been
form to since ‘independence’ potential vaccine. That, my dar- used to keep Afrikans trapped
six or so decades ago, having lings, is the icing on the cake. in a neo-colonialist gaol for the
modeled its economies on the Our ‘friends’ are not our friends. life sentence of having what
rest of the world’s standards... We’re on our own and we have the world wanted and decided
what, will Afrika do if there is a to face it and make a plan. to take by force. Among other
crash added onto the tail end Dump Capitalism things, the doctor revealed the
of this crisis? Will the worn out, In a famous quote attributed evils of the continued econom-
overused begging bowls come to Vladmir Putin, certain pain- ic oppression of francophone
out again? ful truths are laid out, I have West African countries by
You already know that the picked a small selection of what France and the weaknesses
whole world (Afrikans includ- was said, “Africa will never be in the foundations of the OAU
ed) was waiting for the entire independent because they be- (now the AU) when the ‘found-
continent of Afrika to fall sick, lieve in Europeans, Americans ing fathers’ could not agree on
but now they have also claim and Chinese more than them- the right road for Afrika to take
that Afrikan countries are facing selves.” The quote continues, that would lead her to true liber-
what Quartz Africa calls ‘the “They are their own enemies. ty. Countries instead chose the
very real possibility of economic They hate each other and this road of Capitalism and self-in-
collapse in the face of a global gives their colonial masters the terest which has led us here! To
recession’. No one out there opportunity to continue explor- this place of continued weak-
seems to believe that we can ing their resources.” And, “As ness and compromise, where
weather any storm. Very few in far as I know, Africa is more of our own people would rather
here seem to as well. Afrika, in God’s chosen continent, it’s a dump the continent of Afrika in
the eyes of the world, is the pa- blessed continent and it’s time pursuit of a pipedream in Amer-
thetic, desperate, helpless thing for Africans to realize they are ica that sees many of them turn
that always needs bailing out. in a place where Americans, into slaves to a system, work-
Sixty years and billions of dol- Europeans and Chinese are ing multiple jobs just to scrape
lars in cash, raw materials and jealous of and wish it should be by, yet unwilling to come back
Afrikan brain and muscle power them there…You can’t compare home to build. Because they
that we have given to the world African weather with any other feel there’s nothing here worth
and their perspective remains weather…African soil can feed building.
that we are pathetic. It doesn’t the whole of Europe, America, Capitalism is controlled by a
help that our own leaders keep and Asia but their problem is few people who want to ensure
going out to beg for what we just one, their leaders. As far as that the rich-poor gap between
already have and can sort out I am concerned their best pres- nations and individuals remains
68 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika