Page 69 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 69
the day, clean food, water, air, has even been used to create a
shelter, sanitization and practi- truly biodegradable plastic and
cal clothing are the most import- material for building vehicles. It
ant things that we need, let’s is possible.
focus on building that in Afrika. 5. Create local industries that
Where will we get the money? produce equipment, vehicles
Trade in forex and stock mar- and other items that we need
kets globally. We can use the from materials that are found
financial crisis to our advantage within the continent.
as a nation to gain resources 6. Exchange products, services,
from other countries and let know-how, seeds, seedlings
them work for us for a change. amongst Afrikan countries to
The point will be to eventually build each other up.
get to a place where money is 7. Thank the world for all its
redundant because all our real kind contributions and dona-
in place. A rigged version of needs are catered for. What will tions in the form of loans and
competition is its hallmark and we do with our time? We will tell them that all their debts from
if you don’t measure up to its heal, restore and rebuild Afrika slavery and colonialism are now
ever changing made-up rules of by: paid. Tell them we won’t pay
engagement, you fall out of the 1. Cleaning our environment them a dime more but if they
game and become the poor. Yet completely of plastics and toxic want to trade with us or visit us,
your body is strong, your mind chemicals – including fertilizers they do so on our terms.
sound and your spirit is willing. and pesticides and medication I believe this is possible. I
But Capitalism won’t agree with that destroy the body such as believe that we can make tre-
you because you didn’t fit into vaccines and others. mendous strides in shifting our
the GDP metrics that classify 2. Gradually stopping impor- culture in the next 10 years and
performance and failure. Who tation of food into Afrika and really rock the world’s boat by
said that’s the only way? Bhu- requiring all restaurants if they showing them what an Afrikan
tan rejected GDP as a sole want to do business in Afrika to culture really is about: commu-
measure of progress in 1971, prepare food that truly nourish- nity, well-being, love, compas-
choosing GNH or Gross Na- es. Plant food and herbs that sion, sharing, health, family,
tional Happiness as a preferred are nutritious and medicinal, brotherhood, building people
measure. Bhutan chose to look raise livestock that are healthy, up, not participating in a rat
at the well-being of its people without the use of drugs race. We are not rats.
spiritually, physically, socially, and feed our people well to
environmentally and to consid- strengthen them physically.
er the well-being of the natural 3. Giving every single Afrikan
environment as their priorities a piece of land. Some may
and measures of progress and want to farm, others may want
growth. So it is possible to use to keep livestock, others may
a model that nobody else uses. want to work together to cre-
Why not create our own? ate communities with buildings
Look, Afrika, we are not the and sanitation and farming that
west, neither are we the east, respects the environment. In
we are Afrika. Uniquely bless- this our continent, let no man,
ed. Let’s dump this brain drain woman or child be without an
causing, economy pressurizing, inheritance in their own land.
low income individual bullying 4. Producing clothing (includ-
system in favor of something ing shoes) made from locally
that is actually grown in and for available materials. We can
Afrika. Specific to our culture grow hemp to make paper, fab-
and values and strengths. ric and medicine. It grows fast
How would we go about it? and is extremely versatile. It
Considering that at the end of heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 69