Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 83


          through this crisis that Afrika still   I have personally  had many   and  then  give  financial  support
          thinks that foreign nations are the   reactions to  life's issues that  I   during  the crisis, that we can
          only ones with solutions to gen-   wasn't proud of. But I love how    actually seek God for  help all
          eral problems. I do not believe in   God deals with such things, for   over the world without anyone
          such a thing. What I do believe    when I go to Him with the pain of   pushing us to do so, that we can
          is that, this crisis came to show   my reactions, He always gives a   actually be humans without our
          us as Afrikans that we can ac-     quick way out saying "next time,   heads locked  up in the clouds
          tually deal with our own issues,   respond this way". And by that,    of our useless  pride  and arro-
          using the original and authentic   wisdom is learnt, confidence to    gance! That we can actually be
          solutions we have in  Afrika.  It   deal with  issues  is  gained  and   alive! It is amazing what a global
          has given us the much needed       conversations  are no longer       crisis can do. But are we learn-
          reason to once again believe in    wasted.                            ing or will we come out of  this
          ourselves as people who carry                                         crisis and go back to the usual
          original solutions to this world's   We as  Afrikans and even the     ways of inhumanness?
          problems. But how we respond       entire world will be fools if  we
          to the many aspects of our lives   do not learn true wisdom  from     Life must throw stones at us in
          that Covid-19 came to show us      this crisis that has shut down     forms of crises, and we can ei-
          will determine if we are worthy    most global  societies. From       ther cry over the stones or build
          custodians of the wisdom of the    this same crisis, we have seen     castles with them. In this case,
          ages  graciously  given  to us by   that it is possible;  for the price   after Covid-19, what new pol-
          God. I  read somewhere  some-      of petrol to be reduced, without   icies  would  we come up with
          one wrote about the  Covid-19      killing the economy, for taxes to   that will help our health system,
          pandemic. It says, "World Health   be reduced  without  any dam-      educational  system,  transport
          Organization says that the future   age to our economic lives, that   system, family system, religious
          of survival against viruses in hu-  home schooling is good for the    system, police  system, military
          mans is in diet fortifications with   child-parent  relationship,  that   system and every other system
          naturally available Organic  An-   the world can actually care for    we use daily?
          tiviral Immunity Boosters, using   each  other without  the usual     We  have been given a  good
          affordable, locally available food   foolish banter over race and na-  chunk  of  time  to  reflect  on  all
          technology."  This makes a lot     tionality, that no one  has to be   these things and we can no lon-
          of sense whether it is true that   in a  church, temple or  mosque    ger give excuses for the things
          the WHO  said it or didn’t.  The   to be spiritual, that schools can   that have  stopped  us before.
          statement is still true on its own   actually close and students will   Afrika must rise on the wings of
          without WHO's  endorsement.        still learn, that fathers can actu-  truth, originality and wisdom. We
          No one needs the permission of     ally stay away from drinking  in   have no choice but to build great
          WHO to seek natural solutions      bars and be fathers indeed at      castles with the stones being
          to their problems. It is just wis-  home, that mothers can actually   thrown at us right now.
          dom to find out, know and then     breathe because  older daugh-
          use local  and natural solutions   ters are at home to help with the
          that work for local issues.        house, that governments can
                                             actually speak to their people on
          What are we learning?              other matters away from politi-           Samuel
          Concerning life's issues and re-   cal campaigns, that we can ac-            Phillips
          sponses, Jesus never respond-      tually stop importation of second   is a writer, gospel
          ed to questions  or accusations    hand clothes from overseas into    music artiste and a
          from the level of where they       Afrika since it's easy to transfer    photographer. He
          were thrown at Him. He took all    the virus through them, that the   is passionate about
          questions to the level of His own   media can actually report other      Afrika and her
          divinity.  And that's why some-    things apart from the usual, that   true freedom. He
          times when He was asked a          social media instead of the usu-   runs
          question, He would answer with     al madness that happens there
          another question, thereby creat-   can actually be used as a chan-    and can be reached
          ing a new level of conversation.   nel for people to check on others             with :

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    83
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