Page 87 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 87
Who is my brother? complex or too big a dream to We as Afrikans must not con-
This question is inspired by the achieve. But it is not. We just tinue this way. There are lots
parable that Jesus gave in the need to start from where we are of Afrikans already creating
Bible about the good Samaritan as Afrikans. platforms in various sectors to
who took out of his own time Life is progressive I know, but help the Afrikan narrative; we
and resources to help a man when progressiveness takes must help such to stand. This is
that he found along the road, away the true meaning of life, one of the many ways in which
beaten by bandits. It is a beau- then that is a dangerous prog- the Afrikan brotherhood will be
tiful story that I believe should ress. Sometime I think we as nurtured.
always remind us of what really Afrikans have become too And you know what, you really
matters in life. So from this caught up in the very same don't have to know someone
parable about who is a neighbor colonial mindset that tries to personally or you don't have
and from the answer that Jesus define us from a twisted per- to have met them physically to
gave concerning the same, I spective of inadequacy, a not be able to help. They say the
think it is time for Afrikans to be- good enough syndrome. It's internet is a global village and
gin to rethink who their brothers like we see things as too big I agree. But the concept of a
are and how best to relate for for us to take control of or we village as we knew it in Afrika is
the uplifting of that brotherhood. see ourselves as too small to not that of friends that are just
There is no difference between make changes. If we put all our numbers, photos and Facebook
an Afrikan in Egypt and the one strength in seeing how huge our likes. It is much deeper than
in Nigeria. No difference be- problems are, how will we ever that. It is very easy to talk about
tween every Afrikan irrespective take a step to make changes the Afrikan narrative and how
of which side of the border we happen? Our forefathers were we must be completely free
find ourselves on. How do we solution creators. They knew in our minds, but at the same
treat each other when we meet how to make nature and the time not do what is needful to
at various locations? Do we ecosystem around them work give it life. So for you who is still
treat each other with some kind for them. We in this day are procrastinating concerning that
of suspicion or do we relate with great dreamers, innovators, cre- which you have been given as
borders in our minds between ators, but if we keep undermin- regards Afrika, thinking you are
ourselves? Meaning your broth- ing ourselves and thinking that not good enough or you don't
er is not just the one that came the only way we can arise with have enough resources, stop
from the loins of your parents our dreams is through foreign being in awe of the problem and
or the one from your Afrikan strength, then we will always be start using the little you have
nation, but anyone whose heart at the beck and call of the very to create the solution. Afrikans
melts at the plight of a fellow people who don't want us to are all around you and you
human. And also as Jesus ex- rise. Also, if you only consider don’t necessarily need all the
plained, your brother is anyone how big your dreams are and resources in the world to make
doing the will of God, and in this then refuse to start small, you a difference in another per-
case, the will of God for Afrika. will never start. And the Afrikan son’s life. To be a brother is not
It is not a joke that we have dream I tell you, is huge and really difficult, we just need to
lost our humanity to this foreign scary to the people who want to pause and re-look at the people
concept of individualism and keep us in bondage. around us again, see them with
capitalism which makes us hit Someone said opportunity fresh eyes and just maybe the
out at anything that doesn’t look comes dressed in problems or cord that we have been looking
like us or accept our opinions. work. This is true. And because for will suddenly click.
We must see ourselves as we we live in Afrika, a society that Afrika belongs to us all; it is our
want to be seen by the world. has been programmed to be duty to raise her up.
We are brothers before we ever dependent on handouts and
became citizens of any nation in foreign aid for decades, we You are my brothers if we work
Afrika. And I believe that one of see our problems as issues together to bring the mind of
the many reasons why we are that China and America needs God for Afrika to pass.
not able to relate and embrace to help us solve, instead of an
this reality of brotherhood is opportunity for our self-growth
because we keep thinking it's and our self-sustainability. heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 87