Page 23 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 23


          IT'S  VERY TRUE. AND YOU           borders on foolishness, if you are to
          KNOW, THE SPIRIT OF GOD            look at it from a human perspective?
          HATES INJUSTICE, HE HATES          I refused and sure enough, when I
          IT.  AND SO, IN YOU, HE            walked out, I remembered I had left
          FOUND  A VESSEL WHO IS             something  on  my desk  and  when
          WILLING TO FIGHT,  SO HE           I tried my card, it  wouldn’t  work.
          MADE SURE THAT HE  HAD             There are many incidences where I
          YOUR BACK. BUT, WHY NOT            have had to forego a fortune, just to
          SIMPLY  JUST BACK DOWN?            stick to what I believe. Not because I
          WHY DID YOU PERSIST?               knew what God was going to do with
          I think like I’ve told you, from child-  me, but because I believed and felt
          hood  I was  called to do  what I’m   very  strongly  in my heart  that that
          doing. When I look at my studies,   was the right decision to take. Some-
          when I look at my trajectory in life,   how the Spirit of God enabled me
          I think God created me to do this.   to make those decisions with cour-
          When  I listen  to Angela  Chibalo-  age, without regret. Once I left, the
          nza’s song “Uliniumba nikuabudu”   group  CEO, saw  something  in  the
          (You created me to worship You), I   way I conducted myself  afterwards
          think this is my cause and my objec-  that convinced  him to ensure  that
          tive in life, so it’s not even about me.   I got what was due to me. He han-
          So I can’t quit, because it’s not about   dled it himself. It would have been   protect  children from  exposure  to
          me, I don’t know what drives me, I   easier for me, if it was about money,   harmful content and to ensure sto-
          know  it’s not  me, it’s not  my own   to tell him “I can even withdraw the   ries that are told by the media and
          righteousness, it’s not even my own   letter and come back to work.” But,   through film reflect our culture and
          knowledge.  There  are  many traps   I didn’t.                        our values, especially family values,
          that God speaks to me about and I   Eventually, when  the government   and that we become a Godly nation.
          jump because I hear a voice telling   was  looking  for a credible person   That’s my desire, to see the media
          me, “Something is coming.  If you   who  has  values  and  who  can be-  projecting  more  objective stories,
          confront it this way, it’s not going to   come  the Director of Information   more clean content. To see the air-
          be well.” And I have such strong in-  and Public Communications, I was   waves now dominated by stories that
          tuition that makes me feel that this   getting calls and being told the Cab-  are edifying… that give hope. I saw
          one is just preparing me for the next   inet is discussing you, the president   how  digital migration  would open
          assignment, and I feel it so strongly,   wants you, everybody is saying you   the spectrum, bring in social media
          I get so passionate. The things that I   can manage this docket and we will   and other players and I strategical-
          do sometimes offend a lot of people   be very happy if you  don’t  turn  it   ly applied when I saw this position.
          but God tells me, “There are more   down. So, you can imagine I didn’t   And just like the others, I was num-
          who are celebrating you.”          have a Master’s degree and they had   ber one again at the interview and I
                                             to advertise the job twice to fit my   was taken and I have been there now
          I can tell you when I left Nation; I   CV. And the rest is history. That was   for five years this October, and I’ve
          was in a very bad situation. I had just   God because  when  I went for  the   done a good job of it. I think the last
          started a family, we were not stable, I   interview,  there were  professors  of   rating by SCAC, which is the body
          didn’t have a Master’s degree; I had   journalism, and I was number one.   that rates  state  corporations,  I  was
          nothing. I had written a letter to the   Even though I had only one degree   rated 99%, which is a rare feat. I can
          Aga Khan about what I thought was   and  there were people  with PhDs,   say for sure. God has been with me.
          mismanagement  at the  Nation  and   but  when  we sat,  we went through
          I thought  as Secretary-General of   the  Public Service  Commission,   THE REWARDS FOR  FAITH-
          KUJ I needed to write about those   and I appeared before the panel, I   FULNESS   ARE     EVIDENT,
          things and inform the owner of the   wowed them.                      IT’S  TRUE. AND WE  REALLY
          media  house  about some  of  the                                     THANK GOD FOR YOU.
          things that I thought were not right.   In 2015, I thought I needed to move   Not without pain though. Not with-
          And the MD told me to withdraw     from just policy formulation to im-  out attacks, not without crisis. Every
          the letter or lose my job. And some-  plementation,  which  is  now what   day there will be a crisis or another.
          how,  you  know  that courage  that   I’m doing by enforcing Cap. 222, to   I know a lot of brothers and sisters

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 8 | SEPT/OCT 2020  23
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