Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 27
no longer going to be the way it has actually came to show us that the was covered with the phone of a girl
always been. Here is what I mean. physical classroom is not neces- who happened to be passing when
One of our sisters invited us to join sarily the ultimate when it comes the incident happened.
a Facebook group that she created. to schooling and that, that space is
The primary purpose of the group shifting very quickly. Special kudos The question now is this, is there
is to bring together people who care to those parents who for years have still any use of spending thousands
enough for others to share from the been going the line of homeschool- of dollars to go to school to study
little that they have. Meaning you ing for their kids. It’s like they saw professional courses that can be
can share household items that you the future and what was coming learnt easily from YouTube? Or is
really don’t need or use anymore for physical classroom learning there still some pride and arrogance
as long as they are still in good and and, wasting no time, they took the attached to being, for instance, a
working condition, you can share path less followed and here we all professional journalist, when every-
clothing items, food and any other are, right in the middle of virtual one can be journalists with just their
things people may need. Such a classrooms. Many of these pro-ho- phones? The internet has become
simple but beautiful innovation and meschooling parents were arrested the place where even the most
it’s almost costless to every party and some even intimidated by their basic things get millions of views,
involved. All you have to do is, government agents. But they were much more than mainstream media
announce that you have something right all along and now we have to houses do.
you want to give out, the group ad- join them. A while ago, I saw on Facebook
min takes it up to look for anyone a Chinese phone that allows you
who has such needs and in no time Another example is the space called to project your videos onto any
the items get to whoever asked for media and how many media com- flat surface, just like a normal TV
them. Likewise, if you have a need, panies are laying off their employ- would be. That alone for me is bye
you can let the group admin know ees, and not necessarily because of to TV and everyone working in TV
and they will share this with the the shutdown, but because they are stations.
group to alert them to the need and actually now seeing that the future
encourage them to share what they of media is no longer a physical Things are changing very fast in
may have available. Now compare building but virtual. Why? Every every sector of our daily lives and
this style to the usual charity orga- piece of news, both international we need to pay attention to the
nization where you have to register and local, along with entertainment next direction we are going towards
a charity or a non-profit with the etc., can be accessed through a in the world. The family system
government, which sometimes may phone. Putting both radio and TV is changing, the church system is
take years to be approved (while in the museum. And also, even changing, businesses are already ad-
the people who need the help are journalism is even taking a different justing to the changes globally and
already dying). It takes a whole load twist right now. For much of the big basically, nothing is going to remain
of money to register and the many news you hear globally and which the same. Not now and not any
other things that are involved in makes for major headlines were time in the future. We are already
setting up a charity organization. not covered by professional jour- in the future. We just need to tell
And not to also talk about how nalists but by some passersby who ourselves the truth that we are in a
charity and aid organizations in used their mobile phones to cover new system which will unfold more
Afrika have also become covert the occurrences. Case in point, and more as the days go by.
platforms for money laundering, the killing of George Floyd which
drugs and human trafficking etc. So has changed the course of the fight Are you ready?
basically, a simple Facebook group against racism in the entire world
can do more charity with little to no
cost than the supposed charity or
nonprofit organizations are doing.
Another instance is the issue of
schooling and physical classroom
I do not think anyone needs to tell
someone else that this lockdown