Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 24
in government who face this and we SAFEGUARD? someone giving misleading infor-
share a lot. They may not be as out- First of all, there is no country any- mation to children and misleading
spoken but I know a lot of guys in where in the world that has ever them to believe in a lie. So when
government who uphold the truth. progressed without a moral founda- we talk about protecting children
Not every Civil Servant is corrupt. tion. If you look at even the Asian from exposure to harmful content,
Not everybody in government is just Tigers, they first started by building it’s not religious dogma. If we want
there to loot. I can tell you there are their moral fabric. You protect the a better world, a safer world, a world
people who are committed to serve institution of the family, you define where there’s more love in families,
the public, who are not looking for the relationships between citizens, where there’s more tolerance and
their own self-promotion or aggran- you define governance and you more compassion among human
dizement, they work for the public define the way public service is go- beings, then we’ve got to mind and
and they are committed. ing to be conducted and the values be careful about the kind of content
that give growth to a country. The that we consume and our children
Standing for God has a lot of chal- values of hard work, honesty, patri- consume.
lenges, but it is the best you can do, otism, teamwork and so on and so
standing for what is right. Some- forth. Those values are Godly val- The idea is, how do we protect what
times when people think you are ues and they are articulated. And all matters most? Because children are
hated and you are facing challeng- those values are promoted majorly the link between this generation and
es, God gives you a cool ambiance, through the media. the next one. Unless we protect that
where even in the furnace, you’re one, then what do we exist for? And
enjoying the presence of God and Someone wrote about the seven the work of the government, any-
the 4th man makes you comfortable mountains of influence, and one of where in the world, is to do three
in the midst of crisis and dangers the greatest mountains, the most in- things: protect lives, protect proper-
and trials. ‘The peace of God that fluential, if you ask me, is the moun- ty, and protect the values of the so-
surpasseth understanding’. Little tain of the media, because it is the ciety. I say protecting values is more
wonder the scripture says, ‘Worry gateway to the soul. What we watch, critical because you cannot have a
about nothing, but in prayer and what we read, it impacts the perspec- proper sense of protecting lives and
supplications…’ and if that becomes tives that we form about life about protecting property if our values are
your lifestyle, if you live a certain good and evil, right and wrong and wrong. I think in my view the most
way, confessing the same things, liv- particularly for the impressionable important goal of the government is
ing the same things, for a period of minds, like children. Their sense actually to do what I’m doing.. My
time, that becomes your character of integrity and personal character take is that content regulation is key
and your nature. So, godliness is a is defined by their interaction in the to national development. This is how
lifestyle, it’s not something you do, environment they are growing in. we shape values and perception and
you drop, you do, you drop. The And that environment is informed that perception influences behavior
way I live as CEO of KFCB, is the largely by the gadgets they are inter- of our children for the long term. So
way I lived when I was the Director acting with now because the world when I say, “Let us regulate content,
of Information, is the way I lived now is a global village. A child in let us respect the law”, people think,
when I was Secretary-General of Kenya is interacting with children in “This guy is just being moralistic,”
KUJ; same courage, same miracu- other parts of the world and through so they call me the moral cop. This
lous and deliverance stories. And I computers, through Play stations, is critical, this is key to national de-
can tell you for sure if God gives you through mobile. And some of these velopment, and until we get this one
the assignment, He will make provi- alien cultures like homosexuality, right, we can build schools, we can
sion for you to accomplish it. they are imparted so easily through build hospitals, and we can do ev-
content into our children and be- erything else in terms of building the
WE SEE YOU AS A VERY SERI- cause they have not reached the age infrastructure. But until we sort out
OUS GATEKEEPER AND YOUR of being able to choose for them- the software issues of our values, I
MANDATE IS VERY HEAVY. selves between good and evil, they can tell you the hardware will never
WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT don’t know what is good and what function and it will never help.
AT THIS TIME, AND ESPE- is evil. They are in the exploratory We cannot have sustainable devel-
CIALLY IN THESE DAYS, FOR space and that becomes dangerous opment when the software is mal-
A COUNTRY AND FOR A CON- because even radicalization is con- functioning.
TINENT TO HAVE A MORAL ducted in impressionable minds by
24 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika