Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 85


          gentle and peaceful place to visit.  who  practice  the religion  of  ortho-
          The  story  has  it that the  establish-  doxy  bowing  down  on  the streets
          ment  of  Entoto  St.  Mary  church   facing their temples in prayers, then
          came through  prophecy.  The       you  will instantly know  how reli-
          prophecy  was  about  a king who   gious Ethiopians are and how devot-
          would  build a church  in honor  of   ed they are to what they believe. I
          the Virgin  Mary  on  Entoto Moun-  found it strange though, for even in
          tain. In 1882 the then king of Shewa   the public bus, you would see faith-
          Menelik waged a war against Tekle   ful praying toward the temples as the
          Haymanot  of  Gojjam at Embabo     bus  passes  by these  sites.   But  it’s   — the youngest female in the family
          (Amare  and  Fasil,  1987;  Hailege-  worth  the  sight and  the magic  that   — then heats water in a long-necked
          breil, 1987).                      comes with it.                     black clay pot, over hot coals. The
          At this  battle, King  Tekle  Hay-  I  remember  how  we  were  hailed   black clay pot is known  as  a jebe-
          manaot  went to the battle  with a   and called "Afrikans" as we passed a   na. A  traditional coffee  ceremony
          number of Tabots and Menelik won   group of men drinking coffee. We   is always conducted by the youngest
          easily and took away many treasures.   were even asked to join them in their   female in the family. It is an honor
          Among  the most  valuable  objects   coffee drinking, but I was focused on   to  host  the  ceremony,  and  every
          captured  with Tekle  Haymanaot    getting photos for my collection and   step and guest is carefully attended
          was a tabot of St. Mary (Zemedkun,   my wife was trying to get a local scarf,   to. With the water  starting  to  sim-
          1992).                             so we passed on the opportunity to   mer, she roasts the beans on a thin,
          Hence, the origin of the tabot of   sit with them. I must say I regretted   open-faced pan. She keeps the roast
          Entoto St. Mary is largely associated   not having a seat with them, at least I   as even as possible by stirring them
          with a fascinating story. It is believed   would have learnt a new thing from   constantly.  It's  up  to  the  host how
          that the age of the tabot goes back to   them. And besides, of what use is a   long the beans are roasted.
          the time of Atse Dawit (1380-1430).   visit to such an ancient land without
          According  to Haile siilsase Atse   relating with the locals. I won’t make
          Dawit brought the tabot of St. Mary   that mistake next time.
          from Bulga and placed it at Entoto.
          Even though much later in the 16th   Jebena Buna
          century,  Entoto  St.  Mary  church,   Another thing I must say I regretted
          like other churches of the time, was   not  doing  in  Addis  was  not  tasting
          a victim of Ahimed Giragn’s war, the   the famous  very  strong  Ethiopian
          community and the clergy of Ento-  home-brewed  Jebena  Buna  coffee.
          to managed to rescue the Tabot to   My wife had told me about it even
          Gondar.                            before  we visited Addis and how
                                             very black and  strong  it  is. I guess
          We couldn’t stay or do much on En-  that's  one  reason  I didn't  agree  to
          toto Mountain on the day we visited,   have a drink  even when  I had the
          because it happened to be a special   opportunity to do so. That mistake
          annual service day, so photography   too will be corrected whenever I visit
          was  basically not  allowed  and  also   Ethiopia again.
          we  had  issues  with our  travel  card   J__ebena buna, as it's called in the
          and couldn’t access much spending   local Amharic language, is an Ethi-
          money. So we cut down our expens-  opian coffee ceremony and like it's
          es so as not to get stranded on that   popularly said it is not designed for
          trip. But it was fun all the same walk-  someone  in a hurry.  The  prepara-
          ing on that land filled with such rich   tion can be excruciatingly slow. But
          ancient heritage.                  I think slow is good for a great Jebe-
                                             na Buna and for anything of worth.
          Around Addis                       First, coffee  cherries  are  picked,
          A walk around Addis is quite magi-  when red and ripe and peeled to ex-
          cal for me, for when you see faithful   pose the raw coffee bean. The host

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 8 | SEPT/OCT 2020  85
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