Page 90 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 90




         OF A



         Samuel Phillips

                   ear 2020 certainly is a
                   very interesting year in
                   the history of mankind.   ism against blacks has created all   the others."
          YThis is so, not because           forms of atrocities against the black   From the above definition and from
          we have not had more weird years   race, even from before the trans-At-  the various definitions online, it is
          or seasons on earth in this modern   lantic slave trade that Afrika has not   clear that racism stems from belief
          era, but because the events that   been able to wake up from. And I   and mindset which target colors that
          have happened within the first half   really wish Afrika would wake up   are different from one's own and
          of this year are re-writing so many   from this bad dream.            by which feelings of being superior
          things for the future. Talk about   But what really is racism and is   are projected towards (or against)
          the issue of Covid-19 and the many   there any good that we can glean   the same. The white race has op-
          who lost their lives, the crum-    out of it?                         pressed the black race for centuries,
          bling global economies due to the                                     based on their skin color, and I
          shutdown, the racist issues that led   Racism                         think Afrikans should be tired of it
          to the killing of George Floyd and   There are quite a lot of definitions   by now and also be ready to take a
          the violent and almost unexpected   of racism online and many to      very different approach to things.
          reactions that followed globally. So   choose from, but I will use the Dic-
          basically, there are lots of things definition, which says:  Having said that, is it also possible
          to talk about concerning the first   "Racism is a belief or doctrine that   to see racism from a very different
          half of 2020, but let me talk about   inherent differences among the vari-  and much more radical perspec-
          racism.                            ous human racial groups determine   tive that will create a new Afrikan
                                             cultural or individual achievement,   narrative of love and acceptance for
          Racism against the black commu-    usually involving the idea that one's   black skin, especially by the blacks
          nity by the white race is as old and   own race is superior and has the   themselves?
          popular as Mount Kilimanjaro is    right to dominate others or that a   Look at it this way. Racism as a
          the tallest mountain in Afrika. Rac-  particular racial group is inferior to   form of oppression and feeling of

          90      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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