Page 89 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
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          be challenging. Author M. Scott    treatment called Cognitive Be-     health to be reading and medi-
          Peck, in his book, “The Road       havioral Therapy (CBT), but it’s   tating on God’s Word, praying,
          Less Traveled,” put it this way:   also scriptural. One of the New    having a conversation with God
          “Life is difficult. This is a great   Testament writers, Paul, speaks   (which BTW, also includes
          truth, one of the greatest truths.   of the possibility of “renewing   listening), and finally engaging in
          It is a great truth because once   our minds” (Rom 12:2) and          corporate worship with other be-
          we truly see this truth, we tran-  encourages us to think positively   lievers. In times of a low negative
          scend it.”                         - “think on these things” (Phi-    mood or disruptive anxiety, take
                                             lippians 4:8). Instead of allow-   some deep breaths and begin to
          In order for us to successfully    ing yourself to fall into a low    express gratitude, either by jour-
          navigate through life, managing    mood by ruminating on some         naling or in prayer. Begin with
          and overcoming its challenges,     negative and hurtful memories      just five people or things that you
          we need not just a healthy brain,   or worrying about the future,     are sincerely thankful for. This is
          but a healthy mind, body and       STOP/CATCH the thought;            an invaluable exercise, no matter
          spirit. We are, after all, holis-  identify it as unhelpful. Then     your circumstances or belief sys-
          tic creations. Another famous      CHALLENGE/OBSERVE the              tem. Once you begin, I’m sure
          author, C.S. Lewis simply wrote:   thought - because many of our      that you can find more than five.
          “You don’t have a soul. You are    negative thoughts are just not     Be intentional.
          a soul. You have a body.” Men-     true or accurate. Is the thought
          tal health, I believe, is achieved,   serving your wellbeing? Finally,   Obviously, one small article does
          balanced and maintained by         SHIFT/CHANGE the thought           not come close to containing
          nurturing these three major com-   to something positive and true or   all of the questions and answers
          ponents that make us human.        one of gratitude. This exercise    regarding mental health, but
                                             takes practice, but you can do it.   perhaps it can be a small starting
          So, how is mental health actu-     Be intentional.                    point to achieving a more bal-
          ally achieved and maintained?                                         anced and fulfilling life.  If there
          Intentionality! Intentional        BODY                               is one nugget I want you to take
          decisions and behavior are how     As our mental health is relat-     away, it’s this…treat yourself like
          change, balance, and ongoing       ed to our physical health it’s     someone you deeply care about
          enhancement of our potential       imperative that we nurture our     and love in all that you do.
          is achieved. It does not just      bodies by engaging in some daily
          magically happen. Even faith,      exercise, even if it’s just a short   If you are experiencing deep
          belief, and hope result from a     walk or some easy stretching.      emotional challenges or de-
          decision that we intentionally     Treat yourself to some direct      structive behaviors (addictions),
          make. Of course, there are some    sunlight; it greatly assists in our   seek professional help. It should
          deep-seated issues, often hered-   bodies production of vitamin D,    make sense that if we were to see
          itary; a result of past traumas or   which has many benefits, includ-  a loved one ailing from a phys-
          even ongoing abuses. However,      ing boosting our immune system     ical sickness that was causing
          no matter where we are on this     and fighting depression. Stay hy-  pain and a disturbance to their
          journey, we can start on the road   drated with plenty of water and   lives, we would likely strongly en-
          to better mental health through    eat a healthy diet of mostly fruit   courage that loved one to visit a
          nurturing self-care.               and vegetables. Be intentional.    doctor or hospital. So if you are
                                                                                treating yourself like someone
          MIND                               SPIRIT                             you value, please, reach out for
          Did you know that we can           Nurture your spiritual life and    help.
          control our thoughts? This is      belief system. This is also scrip-
          not only scientific truth and a    tural. As Christ-followers it’s an
          proven form of mental health       important part of our mental

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