Page 105 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 105


                      ovements of persons    just good to be a nomad or in my
                      over vast spaces       case, a pilgrim and no law says you
                      has been with man-     should not. So why not?
          Mkind from the very
          beginning of time. It's not a new   Ruaka town
          concept or discovery when people   Moving with my family from the
          in this modern age call themselves   coastal county of Mombasa where
          nomads, backpackers, travelers, or   we had stayed for about a year, to
          whatever names fit the lifestyles of   Ruaka in Kiambu county, was one
          those who find joy in moving from   of those movements you make
          one place to the other, even though   not because you just love being a   picturesque for me. And not to talk
          others try to undermine such things   nomad, but because you know that   about the many animals you hear
          as irresponsible. In my view, such   the divine hands steering you as a   around you every time of the day.
          undermining is nothing but the defi-  pilgrim on a journey of light clearly   For like I had called Ruaka a "glo-
          nition from those who love the box   moved you there. Moving to Ruaka   rified village", one of my reasons is
          that the world system created and   is also like one of those movements   the many cows, goats, donkeys and
          anyone who tries to get out of that   you make while watching out for   chickens you see around. Mean-
          box is labeled irresponsible. For   whether it's going to be interesting   ing that milk, meat and vegetables
          me, it's a beautiful thing to be able   or not.                       were much cheaper and much
          to move around over vast spaces,   Ruaka town, tucked in the borders   more organic and non-GMO than
          whenever it's possible to do so.   of Kiambu county and Nairobi       you would get in maybe Nairobi
                                             county, is one town you will easily   shops. And did I mention that you
          I personally love traveling long   call a "glorified village" in many   can also get these farm produce in
          distances and also I am passionate   ways. Well, that's my opinion    small measures, which can really be
          about moving around like a nomad.   though and I will try and give a few   very helpful when your wallet is not
          But in my case, I prefer the word   reasons why i said so.            saying too much. So living in Ruaka
          pilgrim to the word nomad. No-                                        is such a good connection to natural
          mads, as used traditionally, move   When we first moved in to Ruaka   vegetations, vegetables and fresh
          around for the sake of finding     from Mombasa, one of the first     fruits.
          pasture for their animals, but for   things that drew my attention was   I can't speak about Ruaka quite
          the modern day nomad, it's about   the cool, fresh and green environ-  accurately if I do not talk about
          the fun of traveling and seeing new   ment with lots of fresh smelling   the people living in that commu-
          places, but pilgrims move because   breeze that could easily get you very   nity. I believe Ruaka is a Kikuyu
          such movements are part of their   cold in a moment, especially when   community, so you hear more of
          spiritual journey towards light and   you are still trying to re-engineer   the people speaking Kikuyu than
          emancipation. In this article, I may   your body from the more hot and   Swahili the national language. So
          not give you many reasons why      humid Mombasa climate. So it was   imagine me going to the shops to
          I love the lifestyle of a pilgrim,   a very good sign for me on the first   buy something without my wife who
          even though I have many, but as    day that I was going to enjoy Ruaka   at least understands a bit of Kikuyu.
          a photographer, writer, publisher,   town. I somehow love cold weather   I remember a day when I went
          song artiste, creative designer and   more than heat.                 to get some milled Sorghum and
          everything else that comes with                                       Millet from one of the local sellers
          being blessed with many creative   The apartment we rented was on     close to the house. I asked her
          talents, it just fits the purpose that,   the fifth floor of the building, facing   about the items in English and she
          to fully write and capture accurately   the sunrise. And as a photographer,   clearly told me in English that she
          the lifestyle of a people or a locality,   nothing makes me more happy   doesn't have them. But looking at
          it's best to live and experience them   than seeing and capturing the beau-  her table, I saw buckets of the very
          right in the place where they have   tiful early morning life giver called   grounded Sorghum and Millet that
          their life day to day. And besides,   sun. So sunrise for me was always   I had asked for. So I showed her
          why stick yourself in just one     creative and blessed from the height   the local name of the items in the
          location for a long part of your life   of our apartment which towers over   paper my wife had written for me
          when you can actually move around   almost all the surrounding building.    and she instantly said she has them.
          and enjoy all that life can give and   The wind and cold from that height   I was not really surprised but quite
          show you in the other places? It's   was also very beautiful and quite

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