Page 103 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 103


          take the natural exit route from this world. In other words, there is no joy for dictators. In this life or the
          Madam or Sir Dictator, it is evident that the above strategy is not a sustainable one. The dictator will,
          more than likely, end up either dead, in exile or prison. Those who support him or her? The same. The
          amassed wealth? Redirected to someone else’s coffers. Their family members? Depends on what the
          people decide. This type of cycle is likely to go on and on, over and over, until something changes. The
          only forever they may end up with following this type of scenario is living in infamy in the memories of the
          oppressed and the unkind annals of history.

          But if, Dear Dictator, you really do want to rule “forever”, how about trying this instead? (*I’m not saying
          you won’t die, I’m simply working with the fantasy that is in your head.)
          1. Always, always keep at the forefront of your waking and sleeping moments the fact that you do not own
          the land, the people or the resources. This may be a disappointing and bitter pill for you to swallow, but
          it will come in handy for the long road ahead of ‘ruling forever’ as it will allow you to remain nimble and
          light on your feet;
          2. Understand that you need people who genuinely like and support you as citizens in your land as op-
          posed to those who spend all their time plotting to oust you, so be good to the people, take care of them
          and some of the needs to prove that you’re worth keeping around because you know how to get things
          3. Provide your people with land, resources, tools and space to allow them to innovate and grow. Yes, even
          cash. Remember, as per item one, you do not own anything, therefore it doesn’t harm you to have them
          work the land. It gives the impression that you care about them and – besides – it’s not like you’re plan-
          ning to till the land yourself anyway, and you do need to eat;
          4. Understand that when they prosper, the land prospers and, therefore, do all to support them to attain
          their highest potential;
          5. Do not let neocolonialist or other imperialistic forces come in and take over the land and other re-
          sources that you need to keep your people contented and productive. Resist every urge to take bribes and
          instead have those corrupting influences arrested and/or thrown out of the land. That will convince the
          people that you actually have their interests at heart;
          6. Try not to kill your people, or imprison them left, right and center simply because they didn’t like your
          last speech, your suit or the color of your tie. People tend not to like that. It can make them angry and
          want to turn against you. Besides, it’s hard to be a dictator of an empty country or a country filled with
          prisoners. After all, you do need people around to dictate to in order to be called a dictator and if people
          flee in droves, this could be hard to accomplish;
          7. This next one requires that you remain calm after you read it. Take a pay cut and encourage your fellow
          leaders to do the same. (Deep breaths) This will help ease the financial burden placed on the population
          and will be the clearest indication of the benevolent nature of your leadership. If you are concerned that
          your fellow leaders will want to do away with you for making this suggestion, you are right, they may want
          to, therefore you will have to be strategic about how you explain things to them… and book your next flight
          to a non-extradition treaty country, just in case!

          I hope this input is well-received.

          Most sincerely,
          Your conscience

          *Please note that this list, while focusing on political dictators, can also be applied – in some respects - to
          other government rank and file dictators, corporate dictators, church dictators, school dictators, family
          dictators and all dictators alike.

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