Page 98 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 98
that are dying of these diseases are mine spirituality and how it is con- to build pyramids and sphinx will
enough to tell you how far we have nected to God, the Source of all miraculously shift Afrika forward
come on the path of foolishness and things created. They promote the into first world nations., they always
self destruction. system of self-worship, which has make the same mistake, which is,
created nothing but lifestyles that are that yesterday is gone simply means
To say the truth, the first time I heard based on self and the gratification it's gone. You can't bring it back. The
about the concept of non-communi- of self but at the detriment of that best you can do is realize where you
cable disease or lifestyle disease, it which is sane and true. They have are right now in the overall workings
was very funny to me. And by me been at war with us through the in- of the world's development, make
saying it was funny, I do not mean troduction of GMOs; chemicals that the right decisions that are capable
to undermine the fact that such as- are destroying our lands, water and of triggering the movement of Af-
pect of diseases actually exist. It was air, and all for money making. They rika forward, create the necessary
funny to me because obviously, that have destroyed the family system environment for it and then get your
the disease is non-communicable or while pushing the gay agenda, they hands and boots dirty to bring it to
lifestyle related simply means it is are confusing our kids with the mad- pass. To continue to grapple and
self inflicted either through wrong ness of multiple sexuality. They are fight this reality is foolishness, at
diet or any other negative lifestyle destroying the human body through best, and a waste of the time needed
practices. And what that tells me is wrong and chemical based foods to really make things work.
that, if such disease can be caused by and then try to treat those same bod- I have also come to realize that these
the type of diet and the way a person ies with chemical based drugs pro- same people that are talking about
lives his life, it means all it will take duced by the same people who own ancient Afrikan stuff are almost all
for such disease to be dealt with is both the food-processing companies the time lopsided in their thinking.
a change in diet and daily lifestyle. and the pharmaceuticals. We are at They want what the Afrikan ances-
No medicine or vaccines required. war, but woe to him who is at war tors have but they undermine the
If you ask me, that's one of the most but does not know it. He will think discipline and the passion required
beautiful things God gave us in na- all men are his friends and by that to make it so. They eat all the junk
ture to enjoy as people made in His he will not take caution and must they can find and drink all the chem-
image. And it is AMAZING! certainly be destroyed. ically colored water that they call so-
das. But the truth is that, the body
Except for those who love to hide My family and I have for a while that is bedridden because of syn-
their heads under the bums of the now been doing all we can to take thetic medicine, processed foods,
system of this world, with all its ma- natural and healthy food more se- colored water in fine bottles cannot
nipulations and indoctrination, it riously while doing away with pro- and will not be able to build a good
is clear that if truly man was taken cessed foods and anything synthetic. modern day society, talk less of the
from the earth, only that which We have heard and read enough in Pyramids of Giza.
comes from the earth will keep his the course of publishing this maga- Any disease that makes men turn
body alive. Man's spirit however zine to know what is good for us in into business men will never get a
comes from God and God alone the area of food and body health. cure. For the simple reason that
can keep his spirit alive. The mod- And we gladly welcome you too on money is a master and the only rule
ern day spirit of consumerism and the journey of a lifestyle change. it gives its slave is...get some more.
falsehood of life, is a war against the It is alarming, to say the least, that
earth that nourishes its other parts What did the ancient Afrikans there are millions of organizations
which is the human body and also ate? all over the world that are raising
creates distraction from connecting There is no time when you go on- money daily for research into cancer
with God who alone can keep the line that you don't see or watch one cures or vaccines. But they conve-
spirit of humanity alive. So, basical- video or the other from young Afri- niently always leave out the link be-
ly, we are at war with everything and kans that are clamoring for Afrika's tween cancer and processed foods,
systems that are constantly trying to return back to the days of old. Often GMOs, pesticides, radiation and
destroy humanity by the desecration times they talk from the place of why every weird lifestyle that men have
of all that is spiritual, natural and hu- Afrika does not seem to be growing. called MODERN.
man. The sons of wickedness who And because they think that going
run this system of evil have done all back to the days of ancient Egypt or How convenient it is to be very
they could in their power to under- Kemet and the knowledge of how mindless.
98 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika