Page 100 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 100


          to fertiliser usage.               Woody  materials  include  maize    Turning the Pile
           What is Compost?                  cobs, stalks, branches,  cardboard   Within 3  days,  the compost  pile
          Compost is simply decomposed or-   and wood shavings, while dry mate-  will have heated up and needs to be
          ganic  matter  that has  been  broken   rial includes thatch grass, leaves and   turned. The best way to do this is to
          down by micro organisms, especial-  weeds.                            mix the pile into the adjoining 2m
          ly bacteria and fungi. To ensure that    To  summarise the ingredients we   *2m position, using a fork or a hoe.
          our compost is of the highest qual-  need:  15  bags  of  manure  and  an   The  turning  process  maintains  the
          ity we must  follow  strict standards   equal split of 45% green  to 45%   correct  temperature,  mixes  all the
          and stick to the recipe. We suggest a   woody  dry. The materials  should   ingredients,  brings  material  on the
          compost pile size of 2m long by 2m   be  piled  separately  until  such  time   outside to the inside, aerates the pile
          wide by 2m high.                   as enough of each material has been   with oxygen and allows for moisture
          This  is small enough  for  a single   accumulated. Collecting enough ma-  levels to be checked and adjusted if
          person to work in a few hours, while   terial to build a pile takes time, so   necessary. If the pile is not turned it
          allowing for adequate internal tem-  you must just plan properly. Farmers   will become anaerobic, have a bad
          perature of the pile. This compost   should get themselves into groups of   smell and result in poor quality com-
          volume will easily be enough for an   five to pray and help one another.  post.
          acre or half a hectare of maize. It is
          not recommended that you reduce    Building the Pile                  Temperature
          the size below 1.5 m cubed.        When building the pile, it is very im-  The compost gets hot very quickly
                                             portant that the right ratios are main-  because of all the bacterial activity.
          Ingredients                        tained. The simplest way to achieve   The ideal temperature of the com-
          Compost  is  made  of  three  main   this is to build using alternate layers   post should be maintained between
          ingredients  nitrogen,  green  and  a   of the 3 main ingredients. Dunk the   55C to 68C for 3 days, to kill all
          woody/dry component.               green and woody/dry materials in a   seeds  and  unwanted  pathogens.  If
                                             container of water before you place   you  don’t turn your  compost, the
          1) Nitrogen Component: Nitrogen is   them, so that you wet the layers thor-  temperature can easily reach 70C,
          the fuel of the compost pile and gets   oughly. A good wetting at the outset   which is too hot and kills off the de-
          the bacteria  going.  The  Nitrogen   will mean  you  will probably only   sirable microbes, as well as burning
          component should make up 10% of    need  to  add  water  maybe  once  or   up and wasting carbon.  The most
          your pile and you can use 15 bags   twice in the 2 month process.     accurate way to determine the tem-
          of manure. If there is no manure in    Start with 20 cm of woody dry, then   perature  is by using  a temperature
          your area then you can use 4 m3 of   place 20 cm of green, then 2 bags of   probe. Turn the pile before the tem-
          legumes for this and just adjust your   well wetted manure on top of that.   perature reaches 70C.
          green  and  woody/dry components   Continue  repeating  the  layers  until    A cheap alternative would be to use
          accordingly                        you get to the 2m height.          an  8 mm steel rod. After inserting
                                             Diagram 1                          it for a few minutes see if you can
          2) Green Component: Green leaves                                                        hold on  to it
          are the source of sugars, which are                                                     for 5 seconds.
          necessary for good quality compost.                                                     If you can, the
          The green component should make                                                         temperature is
          up 45 % of your pile and anything                                                       less than 70, if
          that is cut when green, even if it has                                                  not  it’s  ready
          dried, is classified as green.                                                          for   another
                                                                                                  turn. A really
          3) Woody Dry Component: The                                                             simple guide-
          woody  material really  helps  to  en-                                                  line  is  to  turn
          courage the fungal growth in the pile                                                   the compost
          because  it breaks  down  so  slowly                                                    pile  every  3
          and keeps the pile aerated, while the                                                   days  for  the
          dry material adds bulk. The woody                                                       first  3 turns
          dry  component  equals  the green                                                       and  every  10
          component and makes up the bal-                                                         days  for  the
          ance of 45% of the pile.                                                                next  4 or  5

          100     |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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