Page 68 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 68




           By Chioma Phillips

               can’t tell you how many times,   on a gift or a talent that you found   chemical farming can affect the
               over the years, I have heard   inside you and perhaps only pushed   genetic information of an individual
               the term monetize, concerning   to refine? Even if you worked at   and their children, up to the 4th
          I one’s gifts, talents, connec-    something, you got the desire and   generation.  This includes their
          tions or skills. Especially lately in   heart from it from somewhere   fertility and that of their babies. Yet,
          these days of what WHO called a    deeper than you can imagine. Do    when you try to explain the enor-
          pandemic. You have to monetize     you know the value of the One      mity of this crisis to people they tell
          that. Someone needed help with a   Who put it in you? Do you under-   you, “But farmers have to make
          project and three or so people said,   stand the value that He places on   money!” People are seeing their
          I can help at a professional fee.   it? What its true purpose in you   health adversely affected from the
                                             even is?                           food they consume... but farmers
          Someone else was seeking mentors                                      have to make money. They even
          online to know how to cash in on   When only one person knows         say that organic food is not com-
          a gift that they have... because you   how to make something and then   mercially viable to produce or sell
          have to make money. Eish, money    someone asks to be taught that skill,   – which is a lie, just ask the growing
          has grabbed some unwitting souls.   the monetize philosophy demands   numbers of organic farmers. I bet
          So much so that when I see you,    that the owner of the skill profit off   the chemical farmers never thought
          you say hello and ask me for help   this knowledge by exacting a cash   that they would be sacrificing the
          and the first thing out of my mouth   payment or that something of great   health and well-being of the present
          is “It will cost you.” Not, “Who is   value is accorded to them in return.   and future generations up to the
          this person? What help do they     When you love money and you        4th generation of people (that’s
          need? How does my purpose in       seek it with all you can, it makes   billions of people) all for the sake
          life feed into theirs? What support   you predictable and this is why that   of money.
          does God desire I offer them and   is a challenge... because that is the
          how?” Nooooo. It’s the cash con-   instrument of control that will be   It’s like a government that steals
          versation that rules the day and we   turned against you to conform you   money that was intended to help
          don’t realize it, but we’re so much   to something you never thought you   tens or hundreds of millions of peo-
          worse off for it than we understand.   would agree to in your life.   ple, just so two or three people can
          Cash?! The lowest form of human    Recently, we talked to someone     get rich, while those millions suffer
          interaction is what you want to put   who explained that the effects of   or even die because of this choice.

          68      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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