Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 72




          By Fr Anselm Adodo

                    he western, capitalist   mobile banking technology. Do not   cameras.
                    narrative that Agricul-  be deceived by such a false prem-  The Democratic Republic of Con-
                    ture will save Africa is   ise. The foundation of the so-called   go is the world's largest producer
          Tfalse and misleading.             information technology of today    of Coltan. Coltan is essential in the
          No nation has ever become devel-   is manufacturing. For every dollar   production of mobile phones and
          oped by focusing on subsistence    that Africa makes from Mobile      tantalum capacitors that are used
          farming or Agriculture. The surest   phone technology and the internet,   in almost every kind of electronic
          way to wealth creation is MANU-    she generates at least ten thousand   device. Approximately 80% of the
          FACTURING. Africa is the only      dollars for the rest of the world.   world's supply of Coltan is found in
          continent that exports over 80% of   For the 'developed' countries of the   the Democratic Republic of Congo.
          its raw materials, either willingly or   world to sustain their growth, they   For the world to keep enjoying
          by force.                          need unhindered access to Africa's   mobile phone technology, it must
                                             raw materials.                     have unhindered access to tantalum
          Therefore, Africa is the world's larg-                                from Congo. For your information,
          est producer of wealth for everyone   As we speak, hundreds of thou-  Congo is among the world's poorest
          on earth-except its own people.    sands of Congolese children work   countries.
                                             themselves to death in Congolese
          I hear a lot of people say that the   mines where they mine cobalt,   Niger Republic and Namibia are
          new source of wealth in Africa is   earning one dollar a day. Cobalt is   among the world's top producers
          digital wealth, information commu-  used in making the lithium batteries   of uranium. They are also among
          nication technology, internet, and   that power your mobile phones and   the world's poorest. Niger alone

          72      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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