Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 75


           South Afrika is about the sound of the voice of God,

           the Father, responding to the heart cry of His children.             took place on the earth. But did you
           It is the voice of the New Jerusalem, who is Sarah, the              notice  that even though  the scroll
           mother of us all who comes from above.                               was unsealed and looked into, it was
                                                                                not read. Meaning that the unsealing
                                                                                or the revealing of the testimony or
                                                                                the word of God in and through us
                started writing this article on   pressing His mind on the earth with   will  be  the  way  God will  deal  with
                Saturday  19th  of September   their lives and deeds rather than just   the  earth in the  coming days. That
                2020, which without my con-  by words. And  to back this up, let   is, those who have aligned with the
          I scious  thinking or planning     me use a scenario in Revelation 5:2-4   mind of God for the next phase on
          happened to be the  second  day  of   and Revelation 10:10-11 to create a   earth will not be talkers as it were, but
          Rosh Hashanah.  Rosh Hashanah is   prophetic indication of what the new   those who through their lifestyles of
          the Jewish New Year.               year is about.                     faith with God, will in their silence
                                                                                carry  so much authority  that  even
          Definitely,  for  me,  it  is  not  a  coin-  Revelation 5:2-4 says " Then I saw a   in their silence, God will be doing
          cidence  that my writing this article   strong angel proclaiming with a loud   mighty things on the earth through
          started on this day, since it was not   voice, “Who is worthy to open the   them.
          what I had planned earlier, but it also   scroll and to  loose  its  seals?”  And
          beats  my own imagination  that ev-  no one in heaven  or on the earth   This is directly  opposite of what
          ery Rosh Hashanah begins with the   or under the earth was able to open   John was told in chapter 10 when he
          blowing of the Shofar or ram's horn   the scroll, or to look at it. So I wept   was given the little book to eat and
          which  also  happens  to be the very   much, because no  one was found   then prophecy  again  about many
          picture  that  I had chosen and also   worthy to open and read the scroll,   peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.
          used for the cover page of this issue.   or to look at it.
                                                                                South Afrika
          For even though I had known from   Revelation 10:10-11  says  "Then I   The sound of the trumpet, or the
          before our last issue that this 9th is-  took the little book out of the angel’s   blast of the shofar, is the voice of
          sue was going to be about South Af-  hand and ate it, and it was as sweet   God. Rosh Hashanah is when God
          rika, the sound of the voice of God,   as honey in my mouth. But when I   the Father reveals Himself through
          I had not had a pre-thought  as to   had eaten it, my stomach became bit-  the Spirit;  giving life, knowledge,
          how it all aligns with the 2020 Rosh   ter. And he said to me, “You must   wisdom, strength, and power for the
          Hashanah. Clearly, God is amazing in   prophesy again about many peoples,   year ahead.
          guiding our lives and decisions and I   nations, tongues, and kings.”  The blast of the shofar represents
          am grateful.                                                          God's voice, announcing His pres-
                                             Here are my thoughts on these scrip-  ence. Rosh Hashanah is the appoint-
          But what has the sound of South Af-  tures.                           ed time of revelation and awakening.
          rika got to do with the Jewish Rosh   First, let me say that the scroll in the
          Hashanah and how does it connect   hand of God in Revelation 5 is the   You can begin to see why shofars
          to the sound of God? Let's  follow   reality of God's testimony written in   are blown during this holy day. The
          the leading of the Spirit of God to   the minds of the believers and kept in   trumpet sounding clears the atmo-
          know.                              their hearts. Meaning that in a sense,   sphere for the voice of the Father to
                                             we are the scroll in the hand of God,   reach you.
          Year 5781 or 2021                  sealed with seven seals, bearing the
          According to Rabbi  Curt  Landry,   eternal  plans  and  message of God   I have said this before, that there is
          the Jewish year 5781 or 2021 in our   for  a dying world.  Remember  that   a sound coming forth out of Afrika
          Gregorian  calendar  is the year of   Ephesians 1:3-4 speaks of the saints   and to which it is important that
          speaking less in order to listen more   sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise   Afrikans themselves pay close heed.
          to  God's voice.  For me,  and from   as a guarantee until Christ repossess-
          various indications that I have been   es the purchased possession.   According an old prophecy, Afrika is
          having in my Spirit arround the time                                  shaped like a gun – a revolver to be
          I was writing this article, I agree that   But something happened in Revela-  precise - with Nigeria being the trig-
          God is  bringing  His  people  to  the   tion 5 that is very interesting. When-  ger, Kenya the holding place of the
          place of speaking less and listening   ever the scroll was unsealed  by the   bullet (land of manifestation) and
          more in order to be accurate in ex-  Lamb, corresponding events also   South Afrika being the nozzle from

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 9 | NOV/DEC 2020   75
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