Page 78 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 78


               love Afrika and sincerely
               speaking, I am passionate
               about her image and how that
          I image speaks for her both
          within and outside of Afrika. Image
          and expressions are powerful tools
          that can be used for telling the story
          of a people and also a tool that can
          used for controlling those same peo-
          ple. I believe this is why the media
          as a sector that uses a lot of imag-
          eries and expressions to sell news
          and narratives, is the most powerful
          sector alive today, when it comes to
          creating, twisting, telling, re-telling
          and changing of a people's narrative
          and expectations.
                                               Reframing Afrika
          Why is that?

          He who controls the media, con-      A CALL TO AFRIKAN PHOTOGRAPHERS
          trols the tools of creating narratives   Samuel Phillips
          and he who controls the narratives,
          controls the perceptions, concepts,
          ideology, thinking, expectations of
          the people and by that, controls the   of tools, especially photography   agencies don't like to hire local tal-
          people and their own reality. This   to keep this untrue narrative of   ent for their local projects. And this,
          is a foundational tool in the war by   dependency, poverty, malnutrition,   she was speaking from the direction
          the imperialists to subjugate others,   violence, terrorism in Afrika. But   of photography  and the talent that
          especially as it relates to the proud   can you really blame them or will   is available in Afrika. I don't have
          West and even the East that are try-  you blame Afrikan photographers   permission to put the article here,
          ing to keep Afrika in perpetual slave   whose only reason for going into   but I will highlight a few things
          chains and the cave-men narratives   photography is for the money they   from what she wrote for clarity.
          that they keep spinning everywhere   make at weddings and parties. Most
          about Afrika.                      of them are not thinking about the   She said "When UNICEF needed
                                             positive Afrikan narrative that can   photos from Bolivia, India, Jordan,
          The innate passion within me, which   truly create the right image about   Malawi, Myanmar and Niger to
          seeks to project a more accurate and   Afrika through their craft.    illustrate their clean-water campaign,
          real image of Afrika as a continen                                    did they hire local photographers in
          and Afrikans as a people, is one   It's not just me                   each of those countries? No, they
          major reason for my passion for    Sometimes I really wonder if peo-  engaged an Australian man living in
          photography. I love photography    ple, or let me say, Afrikans are really   New York."
          to bits and obviously, photography   passionate about creating change   She tried to give reasons for this
          is one major part of my creative   in Afrika or they are just ok with   abnormal behavior. She went
          tools to tell a more accurate and true   complaining and throwing punches   further to say that " In the case of
          story of Afrika's diverse life, culture   at every wind blowing around them,   photography, there’s simply no good
          and people.                        without taking time to critically   excuse. Every country has photog-
                                             reason out what is needed for the   raphers able to produce excellent
          It is not new news that Afrika and    change that they want. But recently   work… and they’ll charge less than
          Afrikans are going through a lot of   I saw an article that showed me that   a globe-trotting Westerner. Why
          foreign and local propaganda just to   there are others out there who are   does the aid industry give so many
          keep her in a state of dependency   getting their hands and boots dirty   assignments — especially the bigger
          on those who claim that without    just to create a better image of Afri-  ones with higher pay and travel
          them, Afrika is lost - yet the op-  ka. In this article that I read recently,   opportunities and which are cru-
          posite is true. They use all manner   the author wrote about why aid   cial for building up resumes — to

          78      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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