Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 81
personally do not see devel- the development of the continent. The case for the Amazon
opment as just new roads, And if you ask me, we have not Forest
fine city-scapes, fine trains or given people, indigenous cultures I saw an article online published by
I transport systems, increases and even nature the chance to be at The Guardian titled: This is my mes-
in artificial intelligence technology their best. We have created political sage to the western world – your civ-
and the many other things we have systems that control the people and ilization is killing life on Earth. The
blanketed with the word develop- when they the people try to remind letter was written by Nemonte
ment. All these things are good for those in power that they are also citi- Nenquimo and it resonated deeply
making everyday life a bit easier, even zens of that country, they are beaten with my thoughts about the way we
though, and almost all the time, these down and then when you ask the rul- are approaching development. I will
supposed development are the very ers, they call it national security. We not share everything she wrote here,
instruments that turn our societies create imperial systems that suppress but will pull out a few excerpts.
in the long run, into broken ecosys- others and their cultures and call it
tems that no longer support life in self-growth. We use nature for our "Dear presidents of the nine Am-
the way it was meant to be. Case in selfish tendencies and call it business. azonian countries and to all world
point, the issue of global warming, We have not allowed everyone, in- leaders that share responsibility for
which if you ask me, is nothing but cluding nature, to be at their best and the plundering of our rainforest, My
a warning that man has taken steps we certainly are paying for it and will name is Nemonte Nenquimo. I am
in the wrong direction for too long. much more pay for it if we do not a Waorani woman, a mother, and a
And because nature was created in stop and rethink. leader of my people. The Amazon
such a way that it must recycle itself rainforest is my home. I am writing
in order to keep life going on earth, Certainly, I am not against develop- you this letter because the fires are
according to how the Creator gave ment in any way, but the way we have raging still. Because the corporations
the command, creation is groaning approached it, having thrown cau- are spilling oil in our rivers. Because
to reset itself. But man, instead of tion to the wind, it is not sustainable the miners are stealing gold (as they
paying attention in humility to this in the long run. have been for 500 years), and leaving
very loud groaning, calls what is hap- Here is an excerpt I wrote out from behind open pits and toxins. Because
pening global warming and thus tries a screenshot sent to my phone. Since the land grabbers are cutting down
to use the very same science, which its a screenshot, I really don't know primary forest so that the cattle can
he used to kill the environment, to who the original writer is. The ex- graze, plantations can be grown and
solve the problem his very develop- cerpt says "More than 500 million the white man can eat. Because our
ment caused. people in China have been lifted elders are dying from coronavirus,
out of poverty in the past 25 years. while you are planning your next
You certainly may not agree with my Vietnam's GDP has grown more moves to cut up our lands to stim-
thoughts or opinion and I am per- than 8% per year for the past three ulate an economy that has never
fectly fine with that. But I agree with years. In 1976, Malaysia's poverty benefited us. Because, as Indigenous
the late founding President of Tanza- rate was 50% (same as Nigeria). To- peoples, we are fighting to protect
nia, Julius Mwalimu Nyerere when he day, it is said to be less than 5%. In what we love – our way of life, our
mentioned that development for him 1993, Vietnam's poverty level was rivers, the animals, our forests, life on
is when everybody has the chance to nearly 60% (same as Nigeria), now Earth – and it’s time that you listened
be their best. He went further to say it is under 20%. Economics project to us." She continued:
that, for Afrika to develop, she must that if current trends continue, Asia's
have confidence in herself and use portion of global GDP will rise from "You are probably not used to an In-
her own resources. That for Afrika 30% today to 50% by 2040. digenous woman calling you ignorant
to keep looking outside for her own However, Asia's growth has come at and, less so, on a platform such as
development and sustainability is to a price. Asia is in danger of losing up this. But for Indigenous peoples it is
enhance our own weakness. to 75% of its forests and 40% of its clear: the less you know about some-
biodiversity this century. Already, in thing, the less value it has to you, and
These words were spoken in a in- the past 25 years, Asia has lost half the easier it is to destroy. And by easy,
terview many years ago and aptly so of its forest, degraded one-third I mean: guiltlessly, remorselessly,
for today, after many years, Afrika is of its agricultural land and became foolishly, even righteously. And this
daily enhancing her own weakness home to to 13 of the world's 15 most is exactly what you are doing to us as
to the detriment of true growth and polluted cities." Indigenous peoples, to our rainfor-